Dosimetry system, in-vivo

Type of medical device or related product
Multiple vs. specific use (health condition)
Intended population sex
Level of technical knowledge
WHO list of priority medical devices
EMDN related code(s)
GMDN related code(s)
MOSFET radiation therapy dosimetry system dosimeter (A non-sterile device using metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) technology that is a component of a MOSFET radiation therapy dosimetry system intended to be used for on-the-spot patient or anthropomorphic radiation dose verification and monitoring during a radiation therapy and radiology procedure. It consists of a small MOSFET dosimeter (sensor) at its distal end with an electrically-conductive wire proximally that connects to a dosimeter reader for the recording of radiation dose readings. It is typically placed (taped) on the patient in the area of interest for radiation therapy or placed in a catheter for in vivo brachytherapy application. This is a reusable device.)