Monsel’s paste / solution

Type of medical device or related product
Multiple vs. specific use (health condition)
Intended population sex
Level of technical knowledge
WHO list of priority medical devices
GMDN related code(s)
Non-organic haemostatic agent (A non-bioabsorbable device made of mineral and/or synthetic polymer components (e.g., smectite, potassium ferrate/hydrophilic polymer) intended for application to a bleeding external epithelial wound [i.e., skin wound or gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa wound] to facilitate local haemostasis through formation of a sealant and/or clot acceleration; it might additionally be intended to absorb bodily fluids. It is available in various forms (e.g., powder, gel, impregnated gauze) intended to be applied directly or endoscopically to the wound temporarily; it does not contain an antimicrobial agent. Disposable manual or electronic devices for application may be included. This is a single-use device.)