Sigmoidoscope, rigid

Sigmoidoscope, rigid
Alternative names
Rectosigmoidoscope, rigid
Type of medical device or related product
Multiple vs. specific use (health condition)
Intended population sex
Level of technical knowledge
EMDN related code(s)
GMDN related code(s)
Rigid optical sigmoidoscope, reusable (An endoscope with a rigid inserted portion intended for the visual examination and treatment of the sigmoid colon (the distal S-shaped part of the large intestine leading to the rectum). It is inserted through the anus during sigmoidoscopy or proctosigmoidoscopy. The anatomical images are illuminated by a built-in or external light source and can be viewed by the user through relayed lens optics or a fibreoptic bundle. This device is typically used to examine the structures and lining of the sigmoid colon and for indications of altered bowel habit, colonic cancer, or polyps. This is a reusable device.)