Laryngoscope set, newborn

Type of medical device or related product
Multiple vs. specific use (health condition)
Intended population age
Intended population sex
Level of technical knowledge
electricity (batteries)
electricity (mains)
EMDN related code(s)
GMDN related code(s)
Rigid intubation laryngoscope, reusable (A hand-held device intended to be used by anaesthesia/emergency service personnel to manipulate the tongue, preventing it from obstructing the oropharynx and enabling a clear view of the trachea for the insertion of an endotracheal (ET) tube prior to the delivery of inhalation anaesthesia and/or ventilation. It has a handle containing batteries to power its light (a small built-in light bulb or fibreoptic light) for airway illumination, and a curved or straight blade of various designs and lengths that can be hinged/interchanged or integral. Some types can be magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compatible. This is a reusable device.)
WHO Technical specifications