Essential in vitro Diagnostics (EDL)
About the eEDL
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Intended population age: Adolescent (10 to 19 years)
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Specific details
Alternative names
WHO lists of priority medical devices
Particular indications (ICD-11)
Various conditions or disease specific
Organ or system related according to ICD-11
Nomenclature codes
Interventions (non-exhaustive list)
Life course
Service delivery platform
Healthcare unit
Type of medical device
Capital, reusable or single-use
Level of technical knowledge
Regulatory classification
WHO Resources
Acetic acid
Activity kit, arm function
Airway, oropharyngeal, Guedel, reusable
Alarm signaler
Alarm system, personal emergency
Anaesthesia breathing circuit, reusable
Anaesthesia system, MRI safe
Angiography kit
Annuloplasty band
Anoscope, Fansler
Anoscope, Pratt
Applanation tonometer
Apron, radiation shielding
Aspiration set, bone marrow
Atrial septal set
Awl, spinal column
Bag, breathing circuit, reusable
Bag, breathing circuit, single-use
Bag, drainage, urine
Bag, drainage, urine, non-wearable
Bag, ostomy
Bag, stoma / ostomy, adhesive
Balance board, rehabilitation
Balloon pump, intra-aortic
Balloon, angioplasty
Bandage, adhesive
Bandage, contact lens
Bandage, plaster of Paris
Barium sulphate
Bed / couch, donor
Bed, hospital
Bed, hospital, ICU
Belt, assistance support
Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) system
Binder, pelvic fractures
Biofeedback device
Biometer, ultrasound
Biopsy procedure equipment, MRI compatible
Biopsy system, stereotactic, mammography
Blade, knife, dental
Blanket, survival
Blocks, radiation shielding
Blood pressure transducer
Blood pressure transducer, reusable
Blood warmer
Body belt, wheelchair
Bone nibbler, double action
Bone tap, spinal column
Books, rehabilitation
Brachytherapy source
Braille books
Braille display
Braille paper
Braille writer
Breast protection, radiation shielding
Breastpump, manual
Brush, cervical cytology
Brush, cervical cytology, single use
Buckle type tourniquet
Burrs, diamond, electric drill, mastoidectomy
Burrs, round, electric drill, mastoidectomy
Cable electrode, atrial
Cable electrode, left ventricle
Calculation workbooks
Calf compression unit, pneumatic
Cannula, Frazier
Cannula, intravenous (IV), short, sterile
Cannula, irrigation / aspiration, laparoscopy
Cannula, Schmid
Cannula, suction, straight, multihole
Cardiac ablation system
Cardiac stress test system
Cardiopulmonary bypass system
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation kit, reusable
Cardiotocograph (CTG)
Cart, emergency, MRI safe
Catheter bag
Catheter placement kit
Catheter, balloon tamponade, postpartum haemorrhage
Catheter, balloon valvuloplasty
Catheter, balloon, percutaneous coronary intervention
Catheter, cardiac
Catheter, central venous, kit
Catheter, cervical aspiration
Catheter, diagnostic, femoral
Catheter, diagnostic, radial
Catheter, electrophysiology
Catheter, electrophysiology, radiofrequency ablation
Catheter, epidural
Catheter, Foley, sterile
Catheter, Foley, sterile, paediatric
Catheter, interventional, femoral
Catheter, interventional, radial
Catheter, intra-aortic balloon
Catheter, intracranial pressure monitoring
Catheter, nasal
Catheter, rectal
Catheter, Tiemann
Catheter, urinary, female
Catheter, urinary, sterile
Catheter, vascular
Catheter, vascular, peripheral
Central monitor, haemodialysis system
Cerebral aneurysm set
Cervical cap
Chair, dental
Chair, haemodialysis
Chest Aspirations kit
Chest tube
Chest tube set
Circulatory assistance unit, peripheral compression
Clamp, towel, curved
Clamp, umbilical
Clip applier, Raney
Clip, brain aneurysm
Clip, measurement marker
Clip, towel, long
Clip, towel, short
Clips, Raney
Closed-wound drainage kit
Cobalt-60 system
Collar, radiation shielding
Collector, urine, adhesive, paediatric
Colour vision plates, Hardy-Rand-Rittler (HRR)
Communicator, deafblind
Compression device, pneumatic, intermittent
Compression garment
Compressor, angled, spinal column
Computed Tomography (CT) scanning system
Condoms, female
Condoms, male
Connector, ureteral catheter
Contact lens
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) System
Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) system
Contrast medium, intravenous, barium-sulfate-based
Contrast medium, intravenous, Gadolinium-based
Contrast medium, intravenous, iodine-based
Contrast medium, intravenous, microbubble-based
Contrast medium, oral administration
Contrast medium, rectal administration
Couch, examination / treatment
Cough assist device
Crosslink, adjustable
CRT (Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy) generator, implantable
Crutches, axillary / elbow
Cryosurgery system
Cuffs, blood pressure, single-use
Curette, endometrial, modified Berlin
Curette, postpartum flexible, large
Curette, Recamier, uterine, blunt, rigid
Curette, Recamier, uterine, sharp, rigid
Cushion, pressure relief
Cycle ergometer
Cystoscope sheath
Cystoscope, flexible
Cystoscope, rigid
Dental mirror, handle
Dental mirror, plane
Dental unit
Detector, end tidal CO2, colorimetric
Dialysis solution, bicarbonate-based
Dilator, cervical, expandable, manual
Distractor, angled, spinal column
Dosimeter, personal
Dosimeter, personal, ring
Drainage system, pneumonectomy
Dressing strip, adhesive, sterile
Dressing, film, transparent
Dressing, malodours wounds
Driver, polyadjustment, screw
Elastomeric pump
Electrical stimulation kit, functional
Electro-cap, EEG
Electrode, EEG
Electrode, EEG, disc
Electrode, EEG, high cupula
Electrode, spider type
Electrode, TENS
Electroencephalograph (EEG) system
Electromiography unit (EMG)
Elevator, dura
Elevator, roots, Bein
Elevator, roots, Cryer, left curved, sharp
Elevator, roots, Cryer, right curved, sharp
Elevator, roots, Cryer, straight
Elevator, tooth/root
Endocervical curette
Endoclip applicator
Enema device
Enzyme Immuno Assay (EIA), gonorrhea Ag, kit
Ergometer, bicycle, stress test
Ergometer, treadmill, stress test
Excavator, dental
Excercise weights
Exercise ball
Exercise mats
Explorer, dental
Eye chart, color perception
Eye chart, contrast sensitivity, Bailey Lovie
Eye chart, contrast sensitivity, Pelli-Robson
Eye chart, duochrome test
Eye chart, HOTV
Eye chart, Kay's pictures
Eye chart, LEA symbols
Eye chart, LogMAR
Eye chart, Sloan letters
Eye chart, Snellen, distant vision
Eye chart, Snellen, near vision
Eye chart, visual field testing, Amsler
Eye pads
Eye patches
Eye shields
Face shield
Fall detector
Fat caliper
Feeding cup
Film, dosimetry system
Film, Radiographic
Filter, haemodialysis
Filter, Heat and Moisture Exchanger (HME)
Finger puncture kit
Floss, dental
Fluorescein angiography unit
Fluorescein strips
Foam plugs, ears
Foam roller
Foam wedges
Foam wedges, rehabilitation
Foetal heart rate (FHR) detector, Doppler
Foetal heart rate (FHR) monitor, continuous, portable
Foetal monitor, bedside
Footstool, assistive, MRI safe
Footwear, ulcer management
Forceps, Adson, toothed
Forceps, biopsy, laparoscopy
Forceps, Birkett, curved
Forceps, cervix holding
Forceps, Cooley, curved
Forceps, Crile-Rankin, curved, toothed
Forceps, DeBakey, angled shank
Forceps, DeBakey, micro, grasping
Forceps, DeBakey, straight shank
Forceps, DeBakey, vena cava, angled shank
Forceps, DeBakey-Bailey
Forceps, DeBakey-Rumel, curved
Forceps, Dietrich, bulldog, angled
Forceps, Dietrich, bulldog, straight
Forceps, dressing, dental
Forceps, Halsted, straight, toothed
Forceps, Kowalski
Forceps, Laufe, uterine polyp
Forceps, Lawton
Forceps, Littlewood
Forceps, Maier, curved
Forceps, Maier, straight
Forceps, Mayo Russian
Forceps, micro grasping, round spring handle
Forceps, Mikulicz, curved
Forceps, Overholt-Geissendoerfer, curved
Forceps, Providence Hospital, curved
Forceps, swab holding, laparoscopy
Forceps, Tischler
Forceps, tissue, straight, toothed
Forceps, Ulrich
Forceps, Zenker
Front table (for wheelchair)
Functional near-infrared spectrometer (fNIRS)
Fundus camera, non-mydriatic
Fundus charts
Fusion test, Bagolini glasses
Fusion test, red-green glasses
Fusion test, Worth's four dot test
Gamma camera with Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) system
Gamma probes
Gelfoam, plugged biopsy
Gesture to voice technology
Glasses, radiation shielding
Goggles, laser, ophthalmic
Gonads protection, radiation shielding
Gonioscopy lens, indirect, paediatric
Gonioscopy lens, direct
Gown, catheterization lab
Gown, patient, reusable
Gown, patient, single-use
Grasper, laparoscopy
Grooming products
Guide needle, Redon, knife edge
Guide pin, spinal column
Guide wire, round, spinal surgery
Guide wire, sharp, spinal surgery
Guidewire, peripheral, specialty
Guidewire, peripheral, supportive
Guidewire, peripheral, workhorse and access
Haemoclips, cartridge
Haemodialysis set
Haemodialysis unit
Hammer, spinal surgery
Harness, rehabilitation
Headwear, radiation shielding
Heat exchanger, cardiopulmonary bypass, reusable
Helmet, oxygen delivery, adult
Helmet, oxygen delivery, paediatric
High-Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC)
Hip protector
Hook, Crile
Hook, Gillies
Hook, Yasargil
Hot cell, high energy radiation
Hot cell, low-medium energy radiation
Humidifier, ventilation
Humidifier, ventilation, bubble, non-heated
Humidifier, ventilation, heated, servo-controlled
Hydrotherapy tank, rehabilitation
Implant, orbital
Inflation device
Injection kit, dental anaesthesia
Injector, contrast
Injector, contrast, dual head
Injector, contrast, MRI safe
Instrument holder, Posi-locking
Intra Uterine System, Levonorgestrel (LNG-IUS)
Intra-Uterine Devices (IUD)
Intraocular lens
Intraocular lens, foldable
Intraocular lens, hydrophobic
Intraocular lens, multipiece
Intraocular lens, posterior chamber
Intraocular lens, scleral fixation
Intraocular lens, square-edge
Introducer, catheter guiding, reusable
Introducer, catheter guiding, single use
Introducer, endotracheal tube, Bougie
Introducer, endotracheal tube, reusable
Introducer, endotracheal tube, single-use
Introducer, endotracheal tube, Stylet
Introducer, urinary catheterization
Irrigation kit, urological
Keratometer, hand held
Laparoscope holder
Laparotomy ring
Laryngeal mask airway, reusable
Laryngeal mask airway, single-use
Laryngoscope blade, curved, single-use
Laryngoscope blade, straight, single-use
Laryngoscope, flexible
Laser, argon, ophthalmic
Laser, Nd:YAG, ophthalmic
Laser, photocoagulation, portable
Laser, selective trabeculoplasty
Leads patient cable
Lifting device, patient
Linear Accelerator (LINAC)
Lubricant, transurethral instrument
Lubricating jelly
Magnifiers, digital, hand-held
Mallet, Ombredanne
Marker pen, skin
Mask, anaesthesia
Mask, manual resuscitator
Mask, manual resuscitator, single use
Mask, medical
Mask, Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV)
Mask, oral/nasal
Mastoid Retractor
Mat, anti-slip
Material application tool, dental
Matrix band tensioner , dental
Mattress, alternating pressure, electromechanical
Mattress, bed
Mattress, pressure relief
Measuring jug
Medical sponge
Microscope, neurosurgical
Mirror, mobile
Mittens, rehabilitation
Mobile phone, simplified
Monitoring device, pressure, intracranial
Monitoring system, haemodynamic
Monitoring system, stress test
Monofilament, neurological examination
Monsel’s paste / solution
Mouth gag, blunt-nosed, rubber
Mouthguard, transesophageal ecocardiography
Nasal mask, adult and paediatric
Needle holder, DeBakey
Needle holder, laparoscopy
Needle holder, long
Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, heavy
Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, straight, fine pattern
Needle holder, micro, straight
Needle holder, Ryder
Needle, enodoscopy, sclerotherapy
Needle, lumbar puncture
Needle, spinal, paediatric
Needle, syringe, dental
Nitrous oxide, cylinder
Non-contact tonometer
Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG)
Off-loading devices
Ophthalmic lens
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) unit
Orientation board
Orthoses kit
Orthoses, lower limb
Oxygen administration kit
Pacemaker lead, right ventricle
Pacemaker, external, transcutanous pacing
Pacemaker, external, transesophageal pacing
Pacemaker, external, transvenous pacing
Pacemaker, implantable, dual-chamber
Pacemaker, implantable, single-chamber
Pads, female sanitary
Pan-retinal lens
Parallel bars
Peak flow meter
Pedicle probe, spinal column, curved
Pedicle probe, spinal column, straight
Pedicle sound, spinal column
Perforator, drill, Cushing
Perforator, drill, D'Errico
Perforator, drill, McKenzie
Peritoneal dialysis machine
Personal computer, assistive
Personal digital assistant
PET/CT (Positron Emmission tomograpy / Computed Tomography) system
Photoscreener, hardware
Photoscreener, software
Photostimulator, EEG
Physical restraint, reusable
Physical restraint, single-use
Pill organizers
Pliers, dressing, dental, serrated
Positioning aids
Potassium iodide
Pressure relief device
Pressure transducer, transoesophageal echocardiography
Prism glasses
Prism test, horizontal bar
Prism test, loose prisms
Prism test, vertical bar
Probe, dental
Probe, ultrasound, special purpose, transesophageal
Programmer, pacemaker
Prostheses, lower limb
Prosthetic kit
Protective equipment, X-Ray
Protective equipment, X-Ray, complete set
Pulley machine
Pump, Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA)
Pump, suction, newborn resuscitation
Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR), syphilis, kit
Raspatory, Freer
Ratchet, ball handle, spinal column
Reading material, rehabilitation
Reamer, spinal column
Rectal irrigation kit
Remote-afterloading system, brachytherapy
Remover, scalpel blade
Resistance bands
Respirator, N95
Respiratory resistance training devices
Retractor ring
Retractor, blade, Kirschner
Retractor, Brunner
Retractor, endotherapy, internally-anchored
Retractor, frame, Kirschner
Retractor, Kocher-Langenbeck
Retractor, Leyla
Retractor, McDonald
Retractor, Mikulicz
Retractor, nerve root, 45 degrees
Retractor, nerve root, 90 degrees
Retractor, nerve root, straight
Retractor, spinal column, self-retaining
Retractor, vaginal, lateral
Retractor, vein, Cushing
Rod bender, in situ, spinal column
Rod bender, spinal column
Rod clamp
Rod cutter, long-arm, spinal column
Rod holder, spinal column
Rod pusher, spinal column
Rod, side, spinal surgery
Rod, smooth, spinal column
Rod, template, spinal column
Ronguer, spinal column, down biting
Ronguer, spinal column, straight biting
Ronguer, spinal column, up biting
Root elevator, Bein
Root elevator, Cryer
Rotator bar, spinal column
Scale with stadiometer, floor
Scale, digital, child
Scale, donor blood bag
Scale, weighing
Scalpel, dental
Scissors, Bozemann
Scissors, dura, curved, narrow tip
Scissors, Lister
Scissors, Malis, curved
Scissors, Metzenbaum-Nelson, curved
Scissors, micro, flat spring handle
Scissors, Reynolds-Jameson, curved
Scissors, surgical, dental
Scissors, suture, curved
Scissors, Toennis-Adson
Scissors, vascular, Potts-de Martel
Sclerodesis agent
Screen reader
Screw, monoaxial, long-arm, spinal column
Screw, monoaxial, spinal column
Screw, multiaxial, long-arm, spinal column
Screw, multiaxial, spinal column
Screw, myoma
Screw, star-shaped
Screwdriver, monoaxial
Screwdriver, monoaxial, long-arm
Screwdriver, multiaxial
Screwdriver, multiaxial, long-arm
Screwdriver, star-shaped
Sedation unit, basic
Shoes, special fitting
Sigmoidoscope, flexible
Sigmoidoscope, rigid
Slide sheet
Software, keyboard and mouse emulation
Solution, contact lens
Spatula, dental
Spatula, dental, double ended
Spatula, dissection, laparoscopy
Spatula, Leyla retractor
Speaking valves, in-line
Spectacles, long distance
Spectacles, low vision
Spectacles, ready-made
Spectacles, short distance
Speculum, vaginal
Speculum, vaginal, non-conductive
Spermicide, contraceptive
Spirometer, diagnostic
Splint kit, static / dynamic
Splint, tension / traction
Stand, slit lamp
Standing frames, adjustable
Stent, bare-metal
Stent, covered
Stent, Drug-Eluting (DES)
Stepper stabilizer
Steps, stackable
Stereoacuity test, Random dot
Stereoacuity test, Stereo Smile design
Stereoacuity, Titmus fly test
Stereoacuity, TNO test
Stool, adjustable
Stool, operating room
Stool, rehabilitation
Strip, blood glucose meter
Stump board
Stump socks
Sub-dermal implants
Support sling
Suppository inserter
Suprapubic catheter
Surgical procedure kit, dental/maxillofacial, medicated
Surgical procedure kit, dental/maxillofacial, non-medicated
Suture set
Suture set, cervical
Suture set, vaginal
Syringe, anti-VEGF, pre-filled
Syringe, irrigation/aspiration, dental
Syringe, tuberculin, sterile
T handle, driver, screw
T-handle, torque limiting
Table, examination / treatment, gynaecological
Table, gynaecology, delivery / treatment
Tape, medical, roll, adhesive
Tape, ophthalmic
Test strip, pregnancy
Test strip, vaginal infection, pH
Test, Faecal Occult Blood test (FOBT), rapid, kit
Test, haemoglobin estimation, rapid
Test, malaria, Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT), kit
Test, Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), Chlamydia, kit
Test, Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), gonorrhea, kit
Test, Nucleic Acid Test (NAT), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), kit
Test, RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin)
Test, Treponemal, Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT), kit
Therapy bench, rehabilitation
Thermal ablation device, bench top, cervical precancerous lesions
Thermal ablation device, handheld, cervical precancerous lesions
Thermocoagulation device
Thyroid protection, radiation shielding
Timer, respiration
Tools, manual basic work, rehabilitation
Tooth-cleaning kit, scaling, mechanical
Toothbrush, manual
Tourniquet system
Training stairs
Trampoline, rehabilitation
Transfer boards
Trauma shears
Tray, screw holder
Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination Assay (TPHA)
Trial lens set
Tube, endotracheal, reusable
Tube, endotracheal, single-use
Tube, endotracheal, with cuff
Tube, endotracheal, without cuff
Tube, percutaneous gastrostomy
Tubing clamp
Tuning fork
Tweezers, dental
Upper limb workstation
Ureteral access sheath
Urinal, male
Urine collection device
Urine collection kit
Urodynamic system
Vacuum extractor, foetal, manual
Valve, PEEP, Bag-Valve-Mask (BVM)
Venous tournique, single use
Ventilation circuit, patient, reusable
Ventilation circuit, patient, single-use
Ventilator, child / newborn
Ventilator, electronic
Ventilator, electronic / mechanical
Ventilator, intensive care
Ventilator, sub-acute care
Ventilator, transport
Ventilator, transport, child / newborn
Ventricular Assist Device (VAD)
Venturi mask, reusable
Venturi mask, single-use
Video communication device, assistive
Video-colonoscope unit
Virtual reality equipment, rehabilitation
Visual acuity test, Cardiff
Visual acuity test, LEA Gratings
Visual acuity test, occluder
Visual acuity test, pinhole
Visual acuity test, Teller cards
Visual acuity test, toys for fixation
Visual aids
Visual fixation object
Visual functioning questionnaire
Vitrectomy unit
Voice recorder
Walker, modified
Walking aids
Walking frame
Walkking / support canes
Wall bars
Watch, tactile
Watch, talking
Water floats, rehabilitation
Wet vest, rehabilitation
Wheelchair, MRI safe
Workstation / Computer
Wrench, anti-torque
Wrench, spinal column
Writing aids
X-ray system, C-arm, fluoroscopy
X-ray system, C-arm, mobile, analogue
X-ray system, C-arm, mobile, digital
X-ray system, mammography
X-ray system, mobile
X-ray system, mobile, digital
Yasalgil bayonet forcep, large, blunt tip
Yasalgil bayonet forcep, large, fine tip