Essential in vitro Diagnostics (EDL)
About the eEDL
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Service delivery platforms / Healthcare levels: Pre-hospital emergency services
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Specific details
Alternative names
WHO lists of priority medical devices
Particular indications (ICD-11)
Various conditions or disease specific
Organ or system related according to ICD-11
Nomenclature codes
Interventions (non-exhaustive list)
Life course
Service delivery platform
Healthcare unit
Type of medical device
Capital, reusable or single-use
Level of technical knowledge
Regulatory classification
WHO Resources
Absorbent tipped applicator
Acetic acid
Airway, laryngeal
Airway, nasopharyngeal
Airway, oropharyngeal, Guedel, reusable
Airway, oropharyngeal, Guedel, single use
Alarm signaler
Alarm system, personal emergency
Alcohol isopropyl
Alkaline detergent solution
Ammonium hydroxide
Antimicrobial solution
Antiseptic skin cleansing agent
Antiseptic wipe
Applicator sticks
Applicator, wood
Apron, disposable
Apron, heavy duty, plastic
Apron, impermeable, reusable
Apron, impermeable, single-use
Aqueous antibacterial solution
Aqueous cleaning and decontaminating solutions
Aspirator, electrical, portable
Awl, spinal column
Bag, biohazard
Bag, contaminated supplies
Bag, disposable, biohazardous waste
Bag, disposal, waste
Bag, drainage
Bag, drainage, urine
Bag, drainage, urine, non-wearable
Bag, parenteral / enteral solution
Bag, waste
Bandage, adhesive
Bandage, compression
Bandage, elastic
Bandage, elastic, crepe
Bandage, first aid
Bandage, padding
Bandage, tubular
Basket, metal wire
Blanket, survival
Blood glucose meter
Blood glucose meter, continuous monitoring
Blood ketone meter
Blood Pressure (BP) measurement device
Blood Pressure (BP) measurement device, automated
Body bag
Bone tap, spinal column
Bottle, amber, dropper, reusable
Bottle, amber, dropper, single-use
Bottle, amber, screw cap, reusable
Bottle, amber, screw cap, single-use
Bottle, plastic
Bougie, intubation, adult and paediatric
Bowl, emesis, reusable
Bowl, emesis, single-use
Bowl, general purpose
Bowl, general purpose, single use
Bowl, polypropylene
Box, blood transportation
Box, specimen transport
Box, waste disposal, biosafe, puncture-proof
Bracelet, hypothermia indicator, newborn
Buckle type tourniquet
Cabinet, emergency medicines
Cabinet, general
Cannula, intravenous (IV), short, sterile
Cannula, nasal
Cannula, Schmid
Cannula, suction, straight, multihole
Cap, infant
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation kit, reusable
Carry-bag, collar, extrication
Catheter bag
Catheter placement kit
Catheter tip, suction, sterile
Catheter, balloon tamponade, postpartum haemorrhage
Catheter, Eustachian, Hartmann
Catheter, flexible silicon
Catheter, Foley, sterile
Catheter, Foley, sterile, paediatric
Catheter, intravenous (IV), sterile
Catheter, nasal
Catheter, suction
Catheter, Tiemann
Catheter, urinary, female
Catheter, urinary, sterile
Catheter, vascular
Chlorhexidine / Isopropyl alcohol
Chlorine solution
Clamp, bone
Clamp, towel, curved
Clip applier, Raney
Clip, towel, long
Clip, towel, short
Clips, Raney
Clock, general use
Clogs, plastic
Coat, medical, woven
Collar, extrication
Collector, urine, adhesive, paediatric
Communication device
Compress, gauze
Compressor, angled, spinal column
Condoms, female
Condoms, male
Connector, biconical, reusable
Connector, biconical, single-use
Connector, olive-shaped, Hartmann
Connector, ureteral catheter
Container, disposal, hazardous medical waste
Container, disposal, sharps and biohazard
Cool box, insulated
Cover, pillow
Cover, stethoscope
Cover, stretcher, reusable
Cover, stretcher, single-use
Crosslink, adjustable
Cuffs, blood pressure, reusable
Cuffs, blood pressure, single-use
Cup, medicine, reusable
Cup, medicine, single-use
Curette, endometrial, modified Berlin
Curette, Recamier, uterine, blunt, rigid
Curette, Recamier, uterine, sharp, rigid
Data logger
Defibrillator, automated external (AED)
Dispenser, liquid/foam soap
Distractor, angled, spinal column
Drape, instrument / equipment
Drape, surgical, general-purpose, sterile, reusable
Drape, surgical, general-purpose, sterile, single-use
Dressing retention roll
Dressing strip, adhesive, sterile
Dressing, film, transparent
Driver, polyadjustment, screw
Electrocardiograph system
Electrocardiograph, portable
Electrode, ECG, reusable
Electrode, ECG, single-use
Elevator, dura
Ethanol, denatured
Eye pads
Eye shields
Eye splash shield, reusable
Eye splash shield, single-use
Face shield
Filter needle
Filter, disc
Finger puncture kit
Floss, dental
Flow regulator, intravenous infusion, manual
Foam plugs, ears
Foetal heart rate (FHR) detector, Doppler
Foetal heart rate (FHR) monitor, continuous, portable
Forceps, Adson, toothed
Forceps, Birkett, curved
Forceps, cervix holding
Forceps, Cooley, curved
Forceps, Crile-Rankin, curved, toothed
Forceps, DeBakey, micro, grasping
Forceps, DeBakey, vena cava, angled shank
Forceps, DeBakey-Bailey
Forceps, DeBakey-Rumel, curved
Forceps, Dietrich, bulldog, angled
Forceps, Dietrich, bulldog, straight
Forceps, dressing, Blank
Forceps, dressing, nasal, Gruenwald
Forceps, dressing, standard, straight
Forceps, ear, Hartmann
Forceps, Halsted, straight, toothed
Forceps, Kowalski
Forceps, Laufe, uterine polyp
Forceps, Lawton
Forceps, Littlewood
Forceps, Magill
Forceps, Maier, curved
Forceps, Maier, straight
Forceps, Mayo Russian
Forceps, micro grasping, round spring handle
Forceps, Mikulicz, curved
Forceps, non toothed, straight
Forceps, Overholt-Geissendoerfer, curved
Forceps, Providence Hospital, curved
Forceps, surgical, general
Forceps, Tilley
Forceps, Tischler
Forceps, tissue, straight, toothed
Forceps, Ulrich
Forceps, Zenker
Front table (for wheelchair)
Gauze roll, single-use
Gauze strip antimicrobial
Gauze swabs
Gauze, first aid
Gauze, paraffin, sterile
Gauzes, antiseptic
Gel, Electrolytic
Gloves, examination
Gloves, examination, nitrile
Gloves, sterile
Gloves, surgical
Gown, impermeable
Gown, isolation
Gown, surgical, reusable
Gown, surgical, single-use
Guide needle, Redon, knife edge
Guide pin, spinal column
Guide wire, round, spinal surgery
Guide wire, sharp, spinal surgery
Haemoglobin monitoring device, non-invasive
Hammer, spinal surgery
Hook, Crile
Hook, Gillies
Hook, Yasargil
Hydrogen peroxide
Hypothermia cot, newborn
Infusion bag
Infusion controller
Infusion set
Infusion set, with burette
Insecticide, spray
Instrument holder, Posi-locking
Intravenous line
Introducer, catheter guiding, single use
Introducer, endotracheal tube, Bougie
Introducer, endotracheal tube, reusable
Introducer, endotracheal tube, single-use
Introducer, endotracheal tube, Stylet
Introducer, urinary catheterization
Intubation set
Iodine povacrylex, solution
Iodine-based preparation
Irrigation kit, urological
Jar, forceps, polypropylene
Label, adhesive
Label, adhesive, biohazard
Label, drug identification
Labelling kit
Lamp, examination
Lamp, flashlight medical
Lamp, table top
Lancet, blood, safety, sterile
Laryngeal mask airway, reusable
Laryngeal mask airway, single-use
Laryngocope blade, McIntosh
Laryngocope blade, Miller
Laryngoscope blade, curved, reusable
Laryngoscope blade, curved, single-use
Laryngoscope blade, straight, reusable
Laryngoscope blade, straight, single-use
Laryngoscope handle
Laryngoscope set, newborn
Laryngoscope, flexible
Leads, ECG
Light bulb, laryngoscope
Local anaesthesia kit
Lubricant, transurethral instrument
Lubricating jelly
Mallet, Ombredanne
Manual resuscitator
Manual resuscitator, neonatal
Manual resuscitator, neonatal, single use
Marker pen, cryoware
Marker pen, skin
Marker, fine point, permanent
Mask, manual resuscitator
Mask, manual resuscitator, single use
Mask, medical
Mask, oral/nasal
Mask, oxygen
Mask, oxygen, partial-rebreathing
Mask, surgical, reusable
Mask, surgical, single-use
Mastoid Retractor
Measuring jug
Medical scrubs
Metered-dose inhaler (MDI)
Microbial filter, suction system, reusable
Microbial filter, suction system, single-use
Mirror, mobile
Mittens, rehabilitation
Monitor, patient, portable
Monitor, respiratory, portable
Mouth gag, blunt-nosed, rubber
Nasal cannula, adult
Nasal cannula, infant
Nasal cannula, neonatal
Nasal mask, adult and paediatric
Needle driver, intraosseous
Needle holder
Needle holder, DeBakey
Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, heavy
Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, straight, fine pattern
Needle holder, micro, straight
Needle holder, Ryder
Needle, hypodermic
Needle, hypodermic, lock
Needle, hypodermic, luer lock
Needle, luer, sterile
Needle, scalp vein, sterile
Needle, sterile
Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG)
Oxygen administration kit
Oxygen concentrator
Oxygen cylinder
Oxygen outlet
Oxygenated water
Pad, absorbent
Pads, defibrillator
Pads, female sanitary
Patient monitor, multiparametric, basic
Patient monitor, multiparametric, intermediate
Pedicle probe, spinal column, curved
Pedicle probe, spinal column, straight
Pedicle sound, spinal column
Peracetic acid
Perforator, drill, Cushing
Perforator, drill, D'Errico
Perforator, drill, McKenzie
Physical restraint, reusable
Plasters, adhesive
Plasters, adhesive, transparent
Pole, intravenous infusion, double hook
Pole, intravenous infusion, mobile
Printer, colour
Printer, dry
Printer, laser
Printer, thermal
Pulse oximeter, fingertip
Pulse oximeter, handheld
Pump, suction, electric
Pump, suction, manual
Rapid infusion device
Raspatory, Freer
Ratchet, ball handle, spinal column
Razor, T-shape handle
Receptacle, waste, stainless steel, pedal action
Reflex hammer
Remover, scalpel blade
Respirator, N95
Retractor ring
Retractor, Brunner
Retractor, Kilner Catspaw, Double-Ended
Retractor, Kocher-Langenbeck
Retractor, Leyla
Retractor, McDonald
Retractor, Mikulicz
Retractor, nerve root, 45 degrees
Retractor, nerve root, 90 degrees
Retractor, nerve root, straight
Retractor, spinal column, self-retaining
Retractor, vein, Cushing
Rod bender, in situ, spinal column
Rod bender, spinal column
Rod clamp
Rod cutter, long-arm, spinal column
Rod holder, spinal column
Rod pusher, spinal column
Rod, side, spinal surgery
Rod, smooth, spinal column
Rod, template, spinal column
Roll, cotton wool, non-sterile
Ronguer, spinal column, down biting
Ronguer, spinal column, straight biting
Ronguer, spinal column, up biting
Rotator bar, spinal column
Ruler, metal
Safety box, syringes / needles
Safety needle
Saline solution
Scissors, Bozemann
Scissors, dura, curved, narrow tip
Scissors, Lister
Scissors, Malis, curved
Scissors, Metzenbaum-Nelson, curved
Scissors, micro, flat spring handle
Scissors, Reynolds-Jameson, curved
Scissors, suture, curved
Scissors, Toennis-Adson
Scissors, vascular, Potts-de Martel
Screw, monoaxial, long-arm, spinal column
Screw, monoaxial, spinal column
Screw, multiaxial, long-arm, spinal column
Screw, multiaxial, spinal column
Screw, myoma
Screw, star-shaped
Screwdriver, monoaxial
Screwdriver, monoaxial, long-arm
Screwdriver, multiaxial
Screwdriver, multiaxial, long-arm
Screwdriver, star-shaped
Sedation unit, basic
Sensor, flow, ventilator
Sensor, oxygen saturation, reusable
Sensor, oxygen saturation, single-use
Sheet cover, reusable
Sheet cover, single-use
Skin-cleaning wipe
Sodium hypochlorite solution
Spatula, Leyla retractor
Speculum, nasal
Splint, malleable, Kramer
Stool, adjustable
Stretcher, foldable
Strip, blood glucose meter
Strip, skin-cover, adhesive
Stump board
Suction system, general purpose
Support sling
Surgical dressing kit
Surgical plaster roll
Swab / pad, alcohol
Swab, antiseptic
Swab, cotton-tip, tube, sterile
Syringe, arterial blood sampling
Syringe, aspiration
Syringe, auto-disable (AD)
Syringe, drug preparation / formulation
Syringe, general purpose
Syringe, general purpose, radiopaque
Syringe, insulin, sterile
Syringe, luer
Syringe, luer, metal tip
Syringe, luer, sterile
Syringe, reusable
Syringe, reuse prevention (RUP)
Syringe, single-use
T handle, driver, screw
T-handle, torque limiting
Tank, oxygen
Tape measure
Tape, medical, roll
Tape, medical, roll, adhesive
Tape, surgical
Test strip, urinalysis
Thermometer probes
Thermometer, calibrated
Thermometer, digital
Thermometer, infrared
Thermometer, laboratory, glass
Thermometer, tympanic
Tongue depressor
Toothbrush, manual
Tourniquet system
Towel, paper
Trauma shears
Tray, dressing, stainless steel
Tray, instruments
Tray, instruments, stainless steel
Tray, organizer
Tray, screw holder
Trousers, surgical, woven
Tube, endotracheal, reusable
Tube, endotracheal, single-use
Tube, endotracheal, with cuff
Tube, endotracheal, without cuff
Tube, medical gases
Tube, oxygen, ventilation
Tube, suction, reusable
Tube, suction, single-use
Tubing clamp
Ultrasound scanner, bladder, portable
Ultrasound scanner, Doppler, portable
Valve, PEEP, Bag-Valve-Mask (BVM)
Venipuncture kit
Venous tournique, single use
Ventilator set
Ventilator, transport
Ventilator, transport, adult
Ventilator, transport, child / newborn
Venturi mask, reusable
Venturi mask, single-use
Voltage stabilizers
Wrench, anti-torque
Wrench, spinal column
Yasalgil bayonet forcep, large, blunt tip
Yasalgil bayonet forcep, large, fine tip