Essential in vitro Diagnostics (EDL)
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Specific details
Alternative names
WHO lists of priority medical devices
Particular indications (ICD-11)
Various conditions or disease specific
Organ or system related according to ICD-11
Nomenclature codes
Interventions (non-exhaustive list)
Life course
Service delivery platform
Healthcare unit
Type of medical device
Capital, reusable or single-use
Level of technical knowledge
Regulatory classification
WHO Resources
Absorbent tipped applicator
Absorbents, incontinence
Alarm signaler
Alcohol isopropyl
Alkaline detergent solution
Ammonium hydroxide
Anal plugs
Antimicrobial solution
Antiseptic skin cleansing agent
Antiseptic wipe
Applicator sticks
Applicator, wood
Apron, disposable
Apron, heavy duty, plastic
Apron, impermeable, reusable
Apron, impermeable, single-use
Aqueous antibacterial solution
Aqueous cleaning and decontaminating solutions
Augmentative and alternative communication device
Bag, biohazard
Bag, disposal, waste
Bag, laundry, operating room
Bag, waste
Bandage, adhesive
Bandage, compression
Bandage, elastic
Bandage, first aid
Basket, metal wire
Bath, hot water
Beaker, glass
Bed / couch, donor
Bed sheet, reusable
Bed sheet, single-use
Bed, hospital
Bed, hospital, pediatric
Bedscreen, hospital, mobile
Blanket, survival
Blood glucose meter
Blood glucose meter, continuous monitoring
Body bag
Body belt, wheelchair
Bottle reagent
Bottle, amber, dropper, reusable
Bottle, amber, dropper, single-use
Bottle, amber, screw cap, reusable
Bottle, amber, screw cap, single-use
Bottle, Bijou
Bottle, plastic
Bowl, emesis, reusable
Bowl, emesis, single-use
Bowl, general purpose
Bowl, general purpose, single use
Bowl, guidewire
Bowl, polypropylene
Bowl, sponge, reusable
Bowl, sponge, single-use
Bowl, stainless steel
Bowl, stainless steel, lotion
Bowl, stainless steel, round
Box, waste disposal, biosafe, puncture-proof
Bracelet, hypothermia indicator, newborn
Bracelet, identification, reusable
Bracelet, identification, single-use
Breastpump, manual
Brush, test tubes
Buffer, tablets
Bulb, suction
Bulbs, ophthalmoscope
Cabinet, bedside, standard
Cabinet, emergency medicines
Cabinet, general
Cabinet, instruments, double door
Cabinet, instruments, storage
Cabinet, medicines
Cabinet, microscope, storage
Canister / bottle holder, suction system
Cap, infant
Cap, surgical, reusable
Cap, surgical, single-use
Cart, general use
Cart, laundry / linen, clean
Cart, laundry / linen, soiled
Cassettes, single use
Chair, kangaroo care, mechanical
Chart, patient record
Chlorhexidine / Isopropyl alcohol
Chlorine solution
Clamp, test tubes
Clamp, towel, plastic, curved
Clip, towel
Clock, general use
Clogs, plastic
Coat, laboratory
Coat, medical, woven
Communication device
Communicator, deafblind
Compress, gauze
Compression garment
Computer, rehabilitation
Condoms, female
Condoms, male
Connector, biconical, reusable
Connector, biconical, single-use
Connector, olive-shaped, Hartmann
Contact lens
Container, disposal, lead, sharps
Container, disposal, sharps and biohazard
Container, sample
Container, specimen
Container, specimen immersion
Container, sputum
Container, thermic
Couch, examination / treatment
Cover, operating table, reusable
Cover, operating table, single-use
Cover, pillow
Cover, stethoscope
Cover, stretcher, reusable
Cover, stretcher, single-use
Coverplate, plastic, Shandon
Cuffs, blood pressure, reusable
Cuffs, blood pressure, single-use
Cup, medicine, reusable
Cup, medicine, single-use
Cup, specimen
Cylinder, measuring, glass
Data logger
Digital storage media, imaging
Dish, kidney
Dish, kidney, polypropylene
Dish, kidney, stainless steel
Dispenser, liquid/foam soap
Distillation system
Drape, instrument / equipment
Drape, surgical, general-purpose, sterile, reusable
Drape, surgical, general-purpose, sterile, single-use
Drawsheet, plastic
Dressing retention roll
Dressing strip, adhesive, sterile
Dressing, film, transparent
Dressing, malodours wounds
Electronic navigation system
Eye splash shield, reusable
Eye splash shield, single-use
Eye wash station
Face shield
Fall detector
Feeding cup
Film, sealing, flexible, roll
Filter, disc
Filter, paper
Finger puncture kit
Floss, dental
Flowsplitter, oxygen concentrator
Foam plugs, ears
Footstool, assistive, MRI safe
Footwear, ulcer management
Front table (for wheelchair)
Funnel, glass
Funnel, plastic
Gallipot, plastic
Gallipot, stainless steel
Gauze roll, single-use
Gauze strip antimicrobial
Gauze swabs
Gauze, first aid
Gauze, paraffin, sterile
Gauzes, antiseptic
Gel, conductive
Gel, coupling, non-sterile
Gel, coupling, sterile
Gesture to voice technology
Glasses, protective, single use
Glasses, radiation shielding
Gloves, examination
Gloves, examination, gynaecological
Gloves, examination, nitrile
Gloves, heat-resistant
Gloves, radiation shielding
Gloves, sterile
Gloves, surgical
Goggles, protective
Gown, catheterization lab
Gown, impermeable
Gown, isolation
Gown, patient, reusable
Gown, patient, single-use
Gown, surgical, reusable
Gown, surgical, single-use
Grabber, long-handled
Grooming products
Haemoglobin monitoring device, non-invasive
Handle cover, lamp, operating room, reusable
Handle cover, lamp, operating room, single-use
Healthy newborn care kit
Hip protector
Hypothermia cot, newborn
Insecticide, spray
Kick bucket, mobile
Label, adhesive
Label, adhesive, biohazard
Label, blood bags
Label, drug identification
Labelling kit
Lamp, examination
Lamp, examination, fixed
Lamp, examination, mobile
Lamp, flashlight medical
Lamp, table top
Lancet, blood, safety, sterile
Lens paper
Marker pen, cryoware
Marker, diamond
Marker, fine point, permanent
Marker, microscope slide
Mask, medical
Mask, surgical, reusable
Mask, surgical, single-use
Mat, anti-slip
Mattress, alternating pressure, electromechanical
Mattress, bed
Medical scrubs
Metered-dose inhaler (MDI)
Micro-spatula, stainless steel
Mirror, mobile
Mixer, shaker, laboratory
Mixer, vortex, laboratory
Mobile phone, simplified
Monitor card, humidity, passive / cumulative, laboratory
Mosquito net
Mother care kit, kangaroo care
Mouthguard, transesophageal ecocardiography
Nurse station
Oxygen concentrator
Oxygenated water
Pad, absorbent
Pads, female sanitary
Paper cover, examination table
Parafilm paper
Peak flow meter
Personal computer, assistive
Personal digital assistant
Pill organizers
Plasters, adhesive
Plasters, adhesive, transparent
Pole, intravenous infusion, double hook
Pole, intravenous infusion, mobile
Pole, intravenous infusion, mobile, MRI safe
Printer, colour
Printer, laser
Prism glasses
Protective equipment, X-Ray
Protective equipment, X-Ray, complete set
Pulse oximeter, fingertip
Pulse oximeter, handheld
Pulse oximeter, table top
Rack, drying, glass & plastic ware
Rack, ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) pipette
Rack, radiation shielding apron
Rack, test tubes
Ramps, portable
Razor, T-shape handle
Receptacle, waste, stainless steel, pedal action
Refrigerator, blood bank
Refrigerator, fridge and freezer, laboratory
Refrigerator, pharmacy
Reservoir, reagent
Respirator, N95
Roll, cotton wool, non-sterile
Ruler, metal
Scale, beamtype, adult
Scale, beamtype, infant
Scale, digital, adult
Scale, digital, child
Scale, digital, infant
Scale, donor blood bag
Scale, infant
Scale, laboratory
Scale, laboratory, analogue
Scale, laboratory, digital
Scale, laboratory, precision, digital
Scale, mechanical
Scale, organs
Scale, springtype, infant
Scale, stand-up, adult
Scale, weighing
Scalpel, box cutter
Scissors, Deaver, straight, sharp & blunt
Screen reader
Sealant, compound
Seat, shower
Sheet cover, reusable
Sheet cover, single-use
Shoe cover, non-conductive, reusable
Shoe cover, non-conductive, single-use
Shoes, surgical
Skin-cleaning wipe
Spectacle frame, adult
Spectacle frame, paediatric
Spectacles, long distance
Spectacles, low vision
Spectacles, ready-made
Spectacles, short distance
Spermicide, contraceptive
Stain, Gram, kit
Stain, May-Grunwald Giemsa, kit
Stand, single bowl, on castors
Standing frames, adjustable
Stool, adjustable
Stool, dental
Stool, operating room
Stopcock, 3-way
Stopcock, 3-way, luer lock
Stopcock, 3-way, sterile
Stretcher, foldable
Stretcher, MRI safe
Strip, blood glucose meter
Strip, skin-cover, adhesive
Surgical dressing kit
Surgical plaster roll
Swab / pad, alcohol
Swab, antiseptic
Swab, cotton-tip, tube, sterile
Syringe, arterial blood sampling
Syringe, auto-disable (AD)
Syringe, general purpose
Syringe, general purpose, radiopaque
Syringe, insulin, sterile
Syringe, luer
Syringe, luer, metal tip
Syringe, luer, sterile
Syringe, reusable
Syringe, reuse prevention (RUP)
Syringe, single-use
Table, examination / treatment
Table, instruments
Table, instruments, Mayo type, mobile
Table, instruments, stainless steel, mobile
Tape measure
Tape, medical, roll
Tape, surgical
Test strip, pregnancy
Thermometer, digital
Thermometer, infrared
Thermometer, water bath
Timer, digital
Timer, mechanical
Toilet seat, raised
Tongue depressor
Toothbrush, manual
Towel, paper
Trolley, dressing, stainless steel
Trousers, surgical, woven
Tube sealers
Tube stripper
Tube, corrugated
Tube, micro-vial
Tube, push cap, non-sterile, reusable
Tube, push cap, non-sterile, single-use
Tube, push cap, PCR, sterile
Tube, sample collection, reusable
Tube, screw cap, conic, non-sterile
Tube, screw cap, conic, non-sterile, reusable
Tube, screw cap, non-sterile, reusable
Tube, screw cap, non-sterile, single-use
Tube, screw cap, sterile
Tube, test, vortex mixer, reusable
Tube, test, vortex mixer, single-use
Urinal, male
Urine collection device
Urine collection kit
Video communication device, assistive
Visual functioning questionnaire
Voice recorder
Walker, modified
Walking aids
Walking frame
Walkking / support canes
Wall bars
Wash bottle
Waste disposal set
Watch, tactile
Watch, talking
Water bath
Weighing paper
Wheelchair, MRI safe
Wrap, kangaroo care