Essential in vitro Diagnostics (EDL)
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Healthcare unit: Specialized surgery
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Specific details
Alternative names
WHO lists of priority medical devices
Particular indications (ICD-11)
Various conditions or disease specific
Organ or system related according to ICD-11
Nomenclature codes
Interventions (non-exhaustive list)
Life course
Service delivery platform
Healthcare unit
Type of medical device
Capital, reusable or single-use
Level of technical knowledge
Regulatory classification
WHO Resources
Absorbent tipped applicator
Access port, multi-instrument, laparoscopy
Adapter, two-way, chest aspiration
Airway, laryngeal
Airway, nasopharyngeal
Airway, oropharyngeal, Guedel, reusable
Airway, oropharyngeal, Guedel, single use
Anaesthesia breathing circuit, reusable
Anaesthesia breathing circuit, single use
Anaesthesia system
Anaesthesia system, long-life battery
Analyser, electrode, pacemaker
Analyzer, blood gas, portable
Annuloplasty band
Approximator, rib, Bailey
Apron, impermeable, reusable
Apron, impermeable, single-use
Apron, surgical, reusable
Apron, surgical, single-use
Aspiration tray
Aspirator, electrical, portable
Atrial septal set
Bag, biohazard
Bag, breathing circuit, reusable
Bag, breathing circuit, single-use
Bag, donor-organ preservation / transport
Bag, drainage
Bag, drainage, urine
Bag, drainage, urine, non-wearable
Bag, laundry, operating room
Bag, organs
Bag, ostomy
Bag, parenteral / enteral solution
Bag, stoma / ostomy, adhesive
Bandage, adhesive
Bandage, compression
Bandage, elastic
Bandage, elastic, crepe
Bandage, plaster of Paris
Basket, metal wire
Bimanual irrigation tip, phacoemulsification unit
Biopsy gun
Biopsy system, stereotactic, mammography
Bipod stand, Draffin
Blade handle, Troutman
Blade, amputation
Blade, dermatome, Humby
Blade, keratome
Blade, speculum, ophthalmic
Blood administration set, sterile
Blood glucose meter
Blood glucose meter, continuous monitoring
Blood Pressure (BP) measurement device
Blood Pressure (BP) measurement device, automated
Blood pressure transducer
Blood pressure transducer, reusable
Blood warmer
Blunt obturator
Bottle holder
Bottle, culture, blood, aerobic
Bottle, culture, blood, anaerobic
Bottle, sterile specimen
Bottle, suction system
Bottle, thoracic drainage
Bottle, vacuum, collection
Bougie, filiform, neoplex
Bougie, intubation, adult and paediatric
Bougie, Otis-Clutton, curved
Bougie, Powell, straight, blunt
Bow, extension, Boehler
Bowl, sponge, reusable
Bowl, sponge, single-use
Bowl, stainless steel
Bowl, stainless steel, lotion
Bowl, stainless steel, round
Breaker, plaster, Wolff-Boehler
Brush, hand, scrubbing, plastic
Buckle type tourniquet
Cabinet, blanket warmer
Cabinet, instruments, double door
Cabinet, instruments, storage
Cabinet, medicines
Cabinet, warming , multi-purpose, mobile
Calliper, Castroviejo
Calliper, ophthalmic
Canister / bottle holder, suction system
Cannula, air and fluid infusion, vitrectomy
Cannula, air injection, Fogla
Cannula, air injection, ophthalmic
Cannula, Frazier
Cannula, hydrodissection
Cannula, infusion, eye anterior chamber
Cannula, intravenous (IV), short, sterile
Cannula, irrigation / aspiration, laparoscopy
Cannula, irrigation, Vectis
Cannula, irrigation-aspiration, Simcoe
Cannula, lacrimal duct
Cannula, lacrimal duct, Randolph
Cannula, nasal
Cannula, silicone oil injection, ophthalmic
Cannula, sub-Tenon anaesthesia
Cannula, suction, laryngeal
Cannula, viscoelastic fluid
Cap, surgical, reusable
Cap, surgical, single-use
Carbon dioxide absorber, soda lime
Card, supplementary feeding
Cardiopulmonary bypass system
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation kit, reusable
Carry-bag, collar, extrication
Cart, general use
Cart, laundry / linen, clean
Cart, laundry / linen, soiled
Case, vitrectomy unit
Catheter bag
Catheter connector, general purpose
Catheter placement kit
Catheter tip, suction, sterile
Catheter tip, suction, Yankauer
Catheter, balloon tamponade, postpartum haemorrhage
Catheter, central venous, kit
Catheter, cervical aspiration
Catheter, embolectomy, Fogart
Catheter, epidural
Catheter, Eustachian, Hartmann
Catheter, flexible silicon
Catheter, Foley, sterile
Catheter, Foley, sterile, paediatric
Catheter, intravenous (IV), sterile
Catheter, intravenous (IV), umbilical, sterile
Catheter, nasal
Catheter, suction
Catheter, Tiemann
Catheter, urinary, female
Catheter, urinary, sterile
Catheter, vascular
Catheter, vascular, peripheral
Cautery, ball
Cerebral aneurysm set
Chart, patient record
Chest Aspirations kit
Chest tube
Chest tube set
Chisel, fishtail
Chisel, Freer, curved
Chisel, Freer, straight
Chisel, septum, Hajek
Chisel, sternum, Lebsche
Chopper, phacoemulsification unit
Chuck, T handle
Circumcision device, Gomco
Circumcision device, Mogen
Circumcision device, Plastibell
Clamp, bone
Clamp, columella, Cottle
Clamp, entropion
Clamp, eyelid, Waddel
Clamp, McDougal
Clamp, towel, plastic, curved
Clamp, umbilical
Clip applier
Clip, brain aneurysm
Clip, measurement marker
Clip, surgical
Clip, towel
Closed-wound drainage kit
Collar, extrication
Collector, urine, adhesive, paediatric
Compress, gauze
Compressed gas, cryosurgical unit, ophthalmic
Conformer, enucleation, ophthalmic
Connector, ureteral catheter
Contact viewing system, vitreoretinal equipment
Container, sample
Container, specimen
Container, specimen immersion
Container, sputum
Container, sterile sample
Cover, operating table, reusable
Cover, operating table, single-use
Cover, stethoscope
Cover, stretcher, reusable
Cover, stretcher, single-use
Cranioclast, Braun
Crimper, prosthesis, stapedectomy
Cryoprobe, cryosurgical unit, ophthalmic
Cryosurgery system
Cuffs, blood pressure, reusable
Cuffs, blood pressure, single-use
Cup, specimen
Cup, suction / extraction and handle
Cup, suction / extraction, Bird type, posterior
Cup, suction / extraction, extraction handles for Bird type anterior
Curette, adenoid, St. Clair Thompson
Curette, antrum
Curette, bone, Volkman
Curette, bone, Volkman-Bruns
Curette, corneal, Skeele
Curette, ear-drum
Curette, postpartum flexible, large
Curette, straight, stapedectomy
Curette, uterine, Recamier
Cyanoacrylate glue
Dermatome, Humby
Dermatome, Humby
Dermatome, Schink
Diathermy unit, ophthalmic
Diathermy unit, vitrectomy
Dilator, cervical, expandable, manual
Dilator, lacrimal duct
Dilator, lacrimal duct, Castroviejo, straight
Dilator, lacrimal duct, Ziegler, curved
Dilator, tracheal, Laborde
Dilator, uterine, Hegar, double-ended
Dilator, uterine, tapered
Dilator-sound, urethral
Dilator-sound, urethral, Dittel
Dilator-sound, urethral, Rutschelt
Dilator-sound, uterine, Sims
Dish, kidney
Dish, kidney, polypropylene
Dish, kidney, stainless steel
Dissector, dura, Olivecrona
Dissector, Fogla, pointed
Dissector, Penfield
Dissector, tonsil, Hurd
Dome bag, sterile
Drainage device, glaucoma
Drainage system, pneumonectomy
Drape, surgical, general-purpose, sterile, reusable
Drape, surgical, general-purpose, sterile, single-use
Drape, surgical, ophthalmic
Drawsheet, plastic
Dressing retention roll
Dressing strip, adhesive, sterile
Dressing, film, transparent
Drill bits, Jacobs chuck
Drill set, cranial
Drill, Bunnell, manual
Drill, cone
Drill, craniotomy, high speed
Drill, Cushing
Drill, electric, handpiece, mastoidectomy
Drill, Hudson
Drill, McKenzie
Drill, orthopaedic, electric
Drill, vascular access
Drop counter, electronic
Dye, surgical, vitreoretinal
Elastomeric pump
Electrical Vacuum Aspiration (EVA) unit
Electrocardiograph system
Electrocardiograph, portable
Electrode LEEP, electrosurgical
Electrode, ball
Electrode, ECG, reusable
Electrode, ECG, single-use
Electrode, electrosurgical return, reusable
Electrode, electrosurgical return, single-use
Electrode, loop
Electrode, wire
Electrosurgey electrode, disposable
Electrosurgical cable
Electrosurgical dissector, blunt, laparoscopy
Electrosurgical generator
Electrosurgical handpiece
Electrosurgical lead
Electrosurgical pen, monopolar
Electrosurgical pencil
Electrosurgical plate, negative / ground
Electrosurgical system
Electrosurgical system, wet-field
Elevator, Alexander
Elevator, Cameron-Haight
Elevator, Cobb
Elevator, Cottle, septum
Elevator, Doyen
Elevator, ear-drum
Elevator, Freer
Elevator, periosteal
Elevator, rib
Elevator, suction, Gorney
Endo-GIA stapler
Endocervical curette
Endoilluminator, vitrectomy
Endoscope, nasal, rigid
Exhaust hose, cryosurgical unit, ophthalmic
External ventricular drain (EVD) set
Fiber-optic light source, vitrectomy
Fiducial marker
File, bone
Filter, Heat and Moisture Exchanger (HME)
Floor stand, surgical microscope, ophthalmic
Flow regulator, intravenous infusion, manual
Flow splitter
Flowmeter, fluid
Flowmeter, gas
Flowmeter, oxygen therapy, dialtype
Flowmeter, Thorpe tube, dual
Flowsplitter, oxygen concentrator
Fluid warmer
Foetal heart rate (FHR) detector, Doppler
Foetal heart rate (FHR) monitor, continuous, portable
Foetal monitor, bedside
Footswitch, cryosurgical unit, ophthalmic
Footswitch, surgical microscope, ophthalmic
Footswitch, vitrectomy unit
Forceps, Adlercreutz, straight
Forceps, Adson
Forceps, Adson, bayonet, blunt
Forceps, Allis
Forceps, Allis, extra large
Forceps, antrum rotatable, back bitting
Forceps, Babcock
Forceps, Backhaus
Forceps, Backhaus, ball and socket
Forceps, Bierer
Forceps, biopsy
Forceps, biopsy, bladder
Forceps, biopsy, laparoscopy
Forceps, Birkett
Forceps, Blakesley, straight
Forceps, Blakesley, upturned
Forceps, bone / cartilage
Forceps, bone cutting, Liston
Forceps, bone holding, Ferguson
Forceps, bone holding, Verbrugge
Forceps, Bozemann
Forceps, Bronchus
Forceps, bulldog
Forceps, bulldog, DeBakey
Forceps, bulldog, Dieffenbach
Forceps, bulldog, Dieffenbach, curved
Forceps, bulldog, Dieffenbach, straight
Forceps, capsulorhexis
Forceps, Castroviejo, serrated
Forceps, Colibri, corneal
Forceps, Coller
Forceps, Collin
Forceps, conjunctival, locking
Forceps, conjunctival, Moorfield
Forceps, Cooley
Forceps, corneoscleral
Forceps, Crile
Forceps, Crile, straight
Forceps, Crile-Rankin, curved
Forceps, cup-shaped, ear
Forceps, cystic, long
Forceps, Dandy
Forceps, Dartigues, curved
Forceps, DeBakey
Forceps, DeBakey, aorta
Forceps, DeBakey, grasping
Forceps, DeBakey, straight
Forceps, DeBakey, tangential occlusion
Forceps, Devilbiss, cranial
Forceps, Dieffenbach, bulldog, straight
Forceps, dissecting, blunt
Forceps, dissecting, blunt, large
Forceps, dissecting, fenestrated
Forceps, dissecting, fenestrated, serrated
Forceps, dissecting, fine, curved
Forceps, dissecting, serrated, straight
Forceps, dissecting, toothed, straight
Forceps, Doyen, curved
Forceps, dressing
Forceps, dressing and polypus, Cheron
Forceps, dressing, Blank
Forceps, dressing, nasal, Gruenwald
Forceps, dressing, standard, straight
Forceps, Duval
Forceps, ear, Hartmann
Forceps, electrosurgery, bipolar
Forceps, electrosurgery, unipolar
Forceps, end-gripping, ophthalmic
Forceps, epilation, ophthalmic
Forceps, fascia press
Forceps, fixation, corneal
Forceps, fixation, ophthalmic
Forceps, Foerster
Forceps, Foerster, curved
Forceps, Foerster, straight
Forceps, Foerster, straight, blunt
Forceps, Foerster, straight, crossed
Forceps, Gerald, straight
Forceps, Gillies
Forceps, giraffe
Forceps, grasping
Forceps, grasping, corneal
Forceps, grasping, nasal, Heuwieser
Forceps, grasping, standard, straight
Forceps, haemostatic
Forceps, haemostatic, dissecting, toothed
Forceps, haemostatic, Heiss
Forceps, haemostatic, Mixter
Forceps, Halsted-Mosquito
Forceps, Halsted-Mosquito, curved
Forceps, Halsted-Mosquito, straight
Forceps, Hartman-Mosquito
Forceps, Heaney
Forceps, Heaney, curved
Forceps, Hoskins
Forceps, hysterectomy
Forceps, intestinal
Forceps, intestinal, Kocher, curved
Forceps, intestinal, Kocher, straight
Forceps, intraocular lens
Forceps, intraocular lens insertion
Forceps, Iris
Forceps, iris, Bishop-Harmon
Forceps, iris, Botvin
Forceps, Jaffe
Forceps, Kelly
Forceps, Kelly, curved
Forceps, Kelly, straight
Forceps, Kelman-McPherson
Forceps, laryngoscopy, foreign body
Forceps, Magill
Forceps, Martin
Forceps, McIndoe
Forceps, McPherson
Forceps, Micro-Mosquito, curved
Forceps, microlaryngeal, cup-shaped
Forceps, microlaryngeal, heart shaped, upward
Forceps, microlaryngeal, heart-shaped, left
Forceps, microlaryngeal, heart-shaped, right
Forceps, Moorfield
Forceps, Moorfield, toothed
Forceps, nasal, Cottle, lower lateral
Forceps, nasal, Hartmann, heavy
Forceps, nasal, Hartmann, light
Forceps, nasal, sinus, circular cut, straight
Forceps, nasal, Weil-Blakesley, straight
Forceps, nasal, Wigand, straight
Forceps, nasal, Wigand, upward
Forceps, Negus
Forceps, non toothed, straight
Forceps, ophthalmic surgery
Forceps, ovary holding, Kelly
Forceps, Phaneuf, curved
Forceps, plain, ophthalmic
Forceps, Potts-Smith
Forceps, Potts-Smith, tungsten carbide inserts
Forceps, punch biopsy, cervix
Forceps, Rampley
Forceps, right angle
Forceps, Ring
Forceps, Rochester-Ochsner (Kocher)
Forceps, Rochester-Ochsner (Kocher), curved
Forceps, Rochester-Ochsner (Kocher), straight
Forceps, Rochester-Pean
Forceps, Rochester-Pean, curved
Forceps, Rochester-Pean, straight
Forceps, Russ Modell
Forceps, Sarot
Forceps, Satinsky, double angulation
Forceps, septum, Jansen-Middleton
Forceps, Snyder
Forceps, Sopher
Forceps, sponge holding
Forceps, St. Martins
Forceps, standard, straight
Forceps, sterilizer, Cheatle
Forceps, strabismus
Forceps, superior rectus
Forceps, surgical, general
Forceps, suture, Castroviejo
Forceps, swab holding, laparoscopy
Forceps, Takahashi, straight
Forceps, tenaculum, atraumatic
Forceps, tenaculum, Pozzi
Forceps, thoracic, Mixter
Forceps, Tilley
Forceps, tissue, Lane
Forceps, tissue, ophthalmic
Forceps, tonsil holding, Denis-Browne
Forceps, toothed, ophthalmic
Forceps, towel, Jones
Forceps, tying, corneal
Forceps, tying, ophthalmic
Forceps, uterine
Forceps, uterine, Green-Armytage
Forceps, vulsellum
Forceps, vulsellum, Duplay, curved
Forceps, vulsellum, Museux
Forceps, Weil Blakesley, curved
Forceps, Weil Blakesley, straight, fine
Forceps, Weil Blakesley, upward, fine
Forceps, Wertheim, toothed, curved
Forceps, Yeoman, biopsy, rectum
Fragmatome, vitrectomy
Gallipot, plastic
Gallipot, stainless steel
Gamma probes
Gas tamponade, medical grade
Gauze roll, single-use
Gauze strip antimicrobial
Gauze swabs
Gauze, paraffin, sterile
Gauzes, antiseptic
Gel, conductive
Gel, coupling, non-sterile
Gel, coupling, sterile
Gel, Electrolytic
Gelfoam, plugged biopsy
Glasses, protective, single use
Gloves, examination
Gloves, examination, nitrile
Gloves, radiation shielding
Goggles, protective
Gouge, bone
Gouge, Stille
Gown, patient, reusable
Gown, patient, single-use
Grasper, laparoscopy
Guide, saw
Haemoclips, cartridge
Haemoglobin monitoring device, non-invasive
Hand Piece, phacoemulsification unit
Handle cover, lamp, operating room, reusable
Handle cover, lamp, operating room, single-use
Handle, Gigli saw
Handle, saw
Heat exchanger, cardiopulmonary bypass, reusable
High-pressure hose, cryosurgical unit, ophthalmic
Holder, blade breaker, ophthalmic
Hook, bone, Volkman
Hook, Dandy
Hook, decapitation, Braun
Hook, iris, Kuglen
Hook, iris, Tyrell
Hook, Jameson
Hook, muscle, ophthalmic
Hook, nerve
Hook, Sachs
Hook, Sinskey
Hook, skin, Barsky
Hook, strabismus, Graefe
Humidifier, ventilation
Humidifier, ventilation, bubble, non-heated
Humidifier, ventilation, heated, servo-controlled
Humidifier, ventilation, non-heated
Implant, glaucoma
Implant, orbital
Infusion bag
Infusion controller
Infusion pump
Infusion pump, enteral nutrition
Infusion set
Infusion set, with burette
Instrument pin
Intraocular lens
Intraocular lens, foldable
Intraocular lens, hydrophobic
Intraocular lens, multipiece
Intraocular lens, posterior chamber
Intraocular lens, scleral fixation
Intraocular lens, square-edge
Intravenous line
Introducer, catheter guiding, single use
Introducer, endotracheal tube, Bougie
Introducer, endotracheal tube, reusable
Introducer, endotracheal tube, single-use
Introducer, endotracheal tube, Stylet
Introducer, urinary catheterization
Intubation set
Irrigation kit, urological
Irrigation-aspiration tip, phacoemulsification unit
Jar, forceps, polypropylene
Keratome, bevel up
Keratome, slit
Kick bucket, mobile
Knife, circular, ear
Knife, crescent, ophthalmic
Knife, micro-vitreo-retinal surgery
Knife, Paufique
Knife, plaster, Esmach
Knife, sickle, ear
Knife, side, ear
Knife, stab, ophthalmic
Knife, Tooke
Laboratory Information System (LIS)
Lamp, examination
Lamp, examination, fixed
Lamp, operating room, ceiling
Lamp, operating room, double/single head
Lamp, operating room, mobile
Laparoscope holder
Laparotomy ring
Laryngeal mask airway, reusable
Laryngeal mask airway, single-use
Laryngocope blade, McIntosh
Laryngocope blade, Miller
Laryngoscope blade, curved, reusable
Laryngoscope blade, curved, single-use
Laryngoscope blade, straight, reusable
Laryngoscope blade, straight, single-use
Laryngoscope handle
Laryngoscope set, newborn
Laryngoscope, flexible
Laryngoscope, Kleinsassers
Laryngoscope, Negus
Laser filter, surgical microscope, ophthalmic
Leads patient cable
Leads, ECG
Lens expressor
Lens loop, Vectis
Lever, bone, Lane
Light bulb, laryngoscope
Light source, endoscope, nasal
Light source, laryngoscope, fibreoptic
Local anaesthesia kit
Lubricant, transurethral instrument
Mallet, bone
Mallet, Cottle
Manual resuscitator
Manual resuscitator, neonatal
Manual resuscitator, neonatal, single use
Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) kit
Marker pen, skin
Marker, radial, keratoplasty
Mask, anaesthesia
Mask, manual resuscitator
Mask, manual resuscitator, single use
Mask, oral/nasal
Mask, oxygen
Mask, oxygen, partial-rebreathing
Measuring rod, House
Medical sponge
Microbial filter, suction system, reusable
Microbial filter, suction system, single-use
Microscope, binocular
Microscope, neurosurgical
Microscope, surgical, ophthalmic
Microsuction unit, ear
Monitor, patient, portable
Monitor, transcutaneous pCO2
Monitoring system, stress test
Mouth gag, blunt-nosed, rubber
Mouth gag, Boyle-Davis
Nail, extension, Steinmann
Nasal cannula, adult
Nasal cannula, infant
Nasal mask, adult and paediatric
Nasogastric tube
Nasogastric tube fixator
Needle driver, intraosseous
Needle holder
Needle holder, Adson
Needle holder, Brown
Needle holder, Castroviejo
Needle holder, Crile wood, straight, stretched jaw
Needle holder, Crile wood, straight, stretched jaw, tungsten carbide inserts
Needle holder, curved
Needle holder, foam
Needle holder, Halsey, straight, central slot
Needle holder, Halsey, straight, central slot, tungsten carbide inserts
Needle holder, Heaney, curved
Needle holder, laparoscopy
Needle holder, long
Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar
Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, straight
Needle holder, ophthalmic
Needle holder, ophthalmic, Barraquer
Needle holder, ophthalmic, Stevens
Needle holder, vacuum tubes
Needle holder, Webster
Needle sheath holder
Needle, Abrams, pleural biopsy
Needle, aspiration
Needle, biopsy
Needle, hypodermic
Needle, hypodermic, lock
Needle, hypodermic, luer lock
Needle, luer, sterile
Needle, peribulbar
Needle, prostate biopsy
Needle, scalp vein, sterile
Needle, spatulated
Needle, spatulated, extraocular muscle
Needle, spinal
Needle, spinal, anaesthesia
Needle, spinal, paediatric
Needle, vacuum tube
Needle, Veress
Nipper, malleus
Nitrous oxide outlet
Nitrous oxide, cylinder
Non-contact viewing system, vitreoretinal equipment
Oil tamponade, medical grade
Osteotome, Stille
Oval snare, endoscopy
Oxygen administration kit
Oxygen concentrator
Oxygen cylinder
Oxygen cylinder, MRI safe
Oxygen generator plant
Oxygen humidifier
Oxygen outlet
Pacemaker lead, right ventricle
Pacemaker, external, transcutanous pacing
Pacemaker, external, transesophageal pacing
Pacemaker, external, transvenous pacing
Pacemaker, implantable, dual-chamber
Pacemaker, implantable, single-chamber
Pad, absorbent
Pad, compression, laparotomy
Paracentesis blade, ophthalmic, reusable
Paracentesis blade, ophthalmic, single-use
Patient monitor, multiparametric, advanced
Patient monitor, multiparametric, basic
Patient monitor, multiparametric, intermediate
Perfluorocarbon liquid (PFCL)Â
Perforator, Fisch
Perforator, Smellie
Phacoemulsification unit
Physical restraint, reusable
Physical restraint, single-use
Pick, curved, ear
Pick, straight, ear
Pin, Steinmann
Plate, eyelid
Plate, eyelid, Trabut
Plier, flat nose
Plier, vice grip
Plier, wire cutting
Pole, intravenous infusion, double hook
Pole, intravenous infusion, mobile
Polypectomy snare
Povidone iodine, scrub solution
Pressure transducer, transoesophageal echocardiography
Probe, ball, antrum
Probe, double-ended
Probe, flexible, circumcision
Probe, lacrimal duct, Bowman
Probe, trabeculotomy
Probe, ultrasound, general purpose
Probe, ultrasound, general purpose, curvilinear/convex
Probe, ultrasound, general purpose, linear
Probe, uterine, Martin
Probe, vitrectomy
Programmer, pacemaker
Pulse oximeter, fingertip
Pulse oximeter, handheld
Pulse oximeter, table top
Pump, suction, electric
Pump, suction, foot-operated
Pump, suction, manual
Pump, suction, newborn resuscitation
Punch, endothelial, keratoplasty
Punch, Kelly
Punch, Kerrison
Punch, Kerrison, downward
Punch, Kerrison, upward
Quality control equipment, ultrasound
Rapid infusion device
Rasp, Farabeuf
Rasp, rib, Doyen
Reflex hammer
Replacement lamp, surgical microscope, ophthalmic
Repositor, iris
Retractor, abdominal, Doyen
Retractor, Adson
Retractor, Balfour
Retractor, bone, Hohmann
Retractor, Collin
Retractor, Deaver
Retractor, double hook, blunt
Retractor, endaural
Retractor, endotherapy, internally-anchored
Retractor, eyelid
Retractor, eyelid, Desmarres
Retractor, Farabeuf
Retractor, Finochietto
Retractor, Fritsch
Retractor, Harrington
Retractor, Holtgrewe, malleable
Retractor, Kelly
Retractor, Kilner Catspaw, Double-Ended
Retractor, Langenbeck
Retractor, lid, Desmarres
Retractor, lung, Allison
Retractor, malleable ribbon
Retractor, Mollison
Retractor, O'Sullivan-O'Connor
Retractor, Rake
Retractor, Richardson
Retractor, Roux
Retractor, scapular
Retractor, Senn-Mueller
Retractor, soft tissue
Retractor, vaginal, Auvard
Retractor, vaginal, Doyen
Retractor, vaginal, lateral
Retractor, Volkmann
Retractor, Weitlaner
Retractor, Weitlaner, acute
Rib shear, Bethune
Ring, fixation, scleral
Ring, symblepharon
Ring, tension, capsular
Rongeur, Bane
Rongeur, Echlin
Rongeur, Ferris-Smith-Kerrison
Rongeur, Friedmann
Rongeur, Leksell-Stille, angled
Rongeur, Spurling-Kerrison, laminectomy
Rongeur, Stille-Luer
Rongeur, Stille-Luer, curved
Rongeur, Stille-Luer, straight
Rope, traction
Safety box, syringes / needles
Saw, bone, oscillating / manual
Saw, Gigli
Saw, vibratory (reciprocating)
Scalpel blade, reusable
Scalpel blade, single-use
Scalpel handle
Scalpel handle, Bard-Parker
Scissor, iris, Select
Scissors, Barraquer
Scissors, Bozemann
Scissors, Caplan
Scissors, capsulotomy
Scissors, Castroviejo, right/left
Scissors, conjunctival
Scissors, Dean
Scissors, Deaver, curved, sharp & blunt
Scissors, Deaver, straight, serrated & blunt
Scissors, Deaver, straight, sharp & blunt
Scissors, dissecting
Scissors, enucleation, Landolt
Scissors, eye enucleation
Scissors, Fogla
Scissors, gynaecological
Scissors, gynaecological, curved
Scissors, Intraocular
Scissors, iridectomy
Scissors, iris, micro
Scissors, Mayo, curved, blunt & blunt
Scissors, Mayo, straight
Scissors, Mayo, straight, blunt & blunt
Scissors, Mayo-Harrington, curved
Scissors, Mayo-Stille, curved
Scissors, Mayo-Stille, curved, tungsten carbide inserts
Scissors, McIndoe
Scissors, Metzenbaum
Scissors, Metzenbaum, curved
Scissors, Metzenbaum, curved, blunt & blunt
Scissors, Metzenbaum, straight
Scissors, Metzenbaum, straight, blunt & blunt
Scissors, Metzenbaum-Nelson
Scissors, Metzenbaum-Nelson, curved, blunt & blunt
Scissors, microlaryngeal, straight
Scissors, microlaryngeal, upward
Scissors, nasal
Scissors, nasal, sinus, straight
Scissors, ophthalmic
Scissors, ostomy
Scissors, sclerotomy, Lagrange
Scissors, spring
Scissors, strabismus, straight
Scissors, surgical
Scissors, suture
Scissors, Taylor, dura
Scissors, tenotomy
Scissors, tenotomy, Westcott
Scissors, umbilical cord
Scissors, Vannas
Scissors, vascular, DeBakey
Scissors, vascular, DeBakey, curved
Scissors, vascular, Potts-Smith
Scissors, Wecker
Scissors, Westcott
Scissors, wire cutting, universal
Sclerodesis agent
Scoop, evisceration, ophthalmic
Scoop, uterine, Simon
Scrub brush, surgical
Scrub sponge, surgical
Scrub station, surgical
Sedation unit, basic
Seeker, mastoid
Seeker, maxillary ostium, double ended
Sensor, carbon dioxide
Sensor, flow, ventilator
Sensor, oxygen saturation, reusable
Sensor, oxygen saturation, single-use
Shear, plaster, Bruns
Shear, plaster, Stille
Shear, rib, Giertz
Shoe cover, non-conductive, reusable
Shoe cover, non-conductive, single-use
Shoes, surgical
Silicone band, ophthalmic
Silicone groove, ophthalmic
Silicone sleeve, ophthalmic
Silicone sponge, ophthalmic
Silicone tyre, ophthalmic
Smoke evacuator, electrosurgical unit
Snare, tonsil, Eves
Sodium hyaluronate, ophthalmic surgery
Spatula and spoon, Paton
Spatula, abdominal, malleable
Spatula, dissection, laparoscopy
Spatula, fine, iris
Spatula, iris
Spatula, trifacet, Fogla
Spear, cellulose, keratoplasty
Speculum and retractor, Kallmorgen
Speculum, Auvard
Speculum, Cusco
Speculum, ear
Speculum, nasal
Speculum, ophthalmic
Speculum, ophthalmic, Colibri, Barraquer
Speculum, ophthalmic, Williams
Speculum, ophthlamic, self-retaining
Speculum, vaginal
Speculum, vaginal, Doyen
Speculum, vaginal, Graves
Speculum, vaginal, non-conductive
Splint, malleable, Kramer
Splint, traction
Sponge holder
Sponge, antifibrotic agents
Spoon, enucleation, ophthalmic
Spreader, plaster, Henning
Spud, foreign body
Spud, foreign body, Ellis
Stand, single bowl, on castors
Staplers, surgical
Stepper stabilizer
Stool, operating room
Stopcock, 3-way
Stopcock, 3-way, luer lock
Stopcock, 3-way, sterile
Strip, blood glucose meter
Suction and irrigation system
Suction system, general purpose
Suction system, surgery
Suit, hypothermia prevention, whole body
Suprapubic catheter
Surgical dressing kit
Surgical plaster roll
Suspension system, laryngoscope
Suture set
Suture set, cervical
Suture set, vaginal
Suture, black braided silk
Suture, nylon
Suture, poliglecaprone
Suture, polypropylene, monofilament
Suture, synthetic, absorbable, sterile
Suture, synthetic, non-absorbable
Swivel, knife, Ballenger
Syringe pump
Syringe, anti-VEGF, pre-filled
Syringe, Asepto
Syringe, auto-disable (AD)
Syringe, drug preparation / formulation
Syringe, feeding, catheter tip, sterile
Syringe, feeding, ENFit
Syringe, feeding, ENFit, LDT
Syringe, feeding, luer tip, sterile
Syringe, luer, sterile
Syringe, methylcellulose HPMC
Syringe, trypan blue
Table, instruments
Table, instruments, Mayo type, mobile
Table, instruments, stainless steel, mobile
Table, surgical
Table, surgical, ophthalmic
Table, surgical, orthopaedic
Table, surgical, radiotransparent
Tally sheet, MUAC
Tank, oxygen
Tape measure
Tape, umbilical cord, roll
Teflon block, keratoplasty
Thermocoagulation device
Thermometer probes
Thermometer, digital
Thermometer, infrared
Thermometer, laboratory, glass
Thoracic tube insertion kit
Tongue depressor
Tongue plate
Tourniquet system
Trap, suction
Tray stand, surgical
Tray, dressing, stainless steel
Tray, spinal epidural anaesthesia
Trephine, keratoplasty
Triangular swab, ophthalmic
Trocar cannula, nasal
Trocar, thoracentesis
Trolley, anaesthetia
Trolley, cryosurgical unit, ophthalmic
Trolley, dressing, stainless steel
Trolley, emergency
Trolley, resuscitation
Tube shunt, glaucoma
Tube, abdominal drainage
Tube, blood collection, anticoagulated
Tube, blood collection, neonatal cord blood, sterile
Tube, blood collection, vacuum
Tube, corrugated
Tube, corrugated drainage sheet
Tube, endotracheal, reusable
Tube, endotracheal, single-use
Tube, endotracheal, with cuff
Tube, endotracheal, without cuff
Tube, Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid (EDTA)
Tube, Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid (EDTA), vacuum, sterile
Tube, feeding
Tube, feeding / aspirating, catheter tip, sterile
Tube, feeding, luer tip, sterile
Tube, feeding, nasogastric, ENFit tip
Tube, medical gases
Tube, oxygen, ventilation
Tube, percutaneous gastrostomy
Tube, sample collection, reusable
Tube, sample collection, round bottom, polystyrene, sterile
Tube, sample collection, sterile
Tube, suction, Frazier
Tube, suction, Frazier-Fergus
Tube, suction, nasal, curved
Tube, suction, Poole
Tube, suction, reusable
Tube, suction, single-use
Tube, suction, Yankauer, reusable
Tube, suction, Yankauer, screw off button, reusable
Tube, suction, Yankauer, screw off button, single-use
Tube, suction, Yankauer, single-use
Tube, thoracic drainage
Tube, thoracic drainage, Penrose
Tube, underwater sealed chest drainage
Tube, vacuum, plain/dry, sterile
Tube, vacuum, serum, sterile
Ultrasound scanner
Ultrasound scanner, bladder, portable
Ultrasound scanner, Doppler, general purpose and obi/gyn, portable
Ultrasound scanner, Doppler, portable
Ultrasound scanner, mobile
Vacuum extractor, foetal, manual
Vacuum regulator, wall-mounted, continuous
Vacuum regulator, wall-mounted, intermitent
Valve assembly, expiratory
Valve, PEEP, Bag-Valve-Mask (BVM)
Venipuncture kit
Venous tournique, single use
Ventilation circuit, patient, reusable
Ventilation circuit, patient, single-use
Ventilator set
Ventilator, child / newborn
Ventilator, electronic
Ventilator, electronic / mechanical
Ventilator, transport
Ventilator, transport, adult
Ventilator, transport, child / newborn
Ventricular Assist Device (VAD)
Venturi mask, reusable
Venturi mask, single-use
Vitrectomy unit
Wide-angle viewing system (WAV), surgical microscope, ophthalmic
Wire passer
Wire passer, Demel
Wire speculum, ophthalmic
Wire, cerclage
Wire, Gigli saw
Wire, Kirschner