Essential in vitro Diagnostics (EDL)
About the eEDL
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Healthcare unit: Medical imaging
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Specific details
Alternative names
WHO lists of priority medical devices
Particular indications (ICD-11)
Various conditions or disease specific
Organ or system related according to ICD-11
Nomenclature codes
Interventions (non-exhaustive list)
Life course
Service delivery platform
Healthcare unit
Type of medical device
Capital, reusable or single-use
Level of technical knowledge
Regulatory classification
WHO Resources
Airway, laryngeal
Airway, nasopharyngeal
Airway, oropharyngeal, Guedel, reusable
Airway, oropharyngeal, Guedel, single use
Anaesthesia breathing circuit, MRI safe
Anaesthesia system, MRI safe
Analyzer, blood gas, portable
Angiography kit
Angiography system
Apron, impermeable, reusable
Apron, impermeable, single-use
Apron, radiation shielding
Aspiration tray
Aspirator, electrical, portable
Awl, spinal column
Bag, biohazard
Bag, drainage
Bag, drainage, urine
Bag, drainage, urine, non-wearable
Bag, parenteral / enteral solution
Balloon inflator, single use
Balloon pump, intra-aortic
Balloon, angioplasty
Balloon, cutting
Bandage, adhesive
Bandage, compression
Bandage, elastic
Bandage, elastic, crepe
Barium sulphate
Basket, metal wire
Biometer, optical
Biometer, ultrasound
Biopsy kit, MRI safe
Biopsy procedure equipment, MRI compatible
Biopsy system, stereotactic, mammography
Blocks, radiation shielding
Blood glucose meter
Blood glucose meter, continuous monitoring
Blood Pressure (BP) measurement device
Blood Pressure (BP) measurement device, automated
Blood Pressure (BP) measurement, MRI safe
Blood pressure transducer
Blood pressure transducer, reusable
Bone tap, spinal column
Bottle, sterile specimen
Bottle, vacuum, collection
Bowl, guidewire
Bowl, sponge, reusable
Bowl, sponge, single-use
Bowl, stainless steel
Bowl, stainless steel, lotion
Bowl, stainless steel, round
Breast protection, radiation shielding
Brush, hand, scrubbing, plastic
Buckle type tourniquet
Bucky stand, X-ray
Cabinet, instruments, double door
Cabinet, instruments, storage
Cabinet, medicines
Cabinet, warming , multi-purpose, mobile
Cabinet, warming, contrast media
Cabinet, warming, contrast media, MRI safe
Cannisters, oxygen, MRI safe
Cannula, intravenous (IV), short, sterile
Cannula, nasal
Cannula, Schmid
Cannula, suction, straight, multihole
Card, supplementary feeding
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation kit, reusable
Cart, emergency, MRI safe
Cart, laundry / linen, clean
Cart, laundry / linen, soiled
Cart, MRI safe
Catheter bag
Catheter placement kit
Catheter tip, suction, sterile
Catheter, balloon valvuloplasty
Catheter, balloon, percutaneous coronary intervention
Catheter, cardiac
Catheter, diagnostic, femoral
Catheter, diagnostic, radial
Catheter, flexible silicon
Catheter, Foley, sterile
Catheter, Foley, sterile, paediatric
Catheter, interventional, femoral
Catheter, interventional, radial
Catheter, intra-aortic balloon
Catheter, intravenous (IV), sterile
Catheter, nasal
Catheter, suction
Catheter, Tiemann
Catheter, urinary, female
Catheter, urinary, sterile
Catheter, vascular
Catheter, vascular, peripheral
Catheterization lab system, angiography
Chart, patient record
Clamp, towel, curved
Clip applier, Raney
Clip, towel, long
Clip, towel, short
Clips, Raney
Collar, radiation shielding
Collector, urine, adhesive, paediatric
Collimators, SPECT
Compress, gauze
Compressor, angled, spinal column
Computed Tomography (CT) scanning system
Container, disposal, lead, sharps
Container, radiation shielding
Container, radiation source transport / storage
Container, sample
Container, specimen
Container, specimen immersion
Container, sputum
Container, sterile sample
Contrast medium, intravenous, barium-sulfate-based
Contrast medium, intravenous, Gadolinium-based
Contrast medium, intravenous, iodine-based
Contrast medium, intravenous, microbubble-based
Contrast medium, oral administration
Contrast medium, rectal administration
Corneal topography machine
Corneal topography unit
Couch, examination / treatment
Cover, stethoscope
Crosslink, adjustable
Cuffs, blood pressure, reusable
Cuffs, blood pressure, single-use
Cup, medicine, reusable
Cup, medicine, single-use
Cup, specimen
Curette, endometrial, modified Berlin
Curette, Recamier, uterine, blunt, rigid
Curette, Recamier, uterine, sharp, rigid
Decontamination kit, radiation spill
Detector, X-ray, digital
Digital storage media, imaging
Dish, kidney
Dish, kidney, polypropylene
Dish, kidney, stainless steel
Distractor, angled, spinal column
Dome bag, sterile
Dose calibrator
Dose calibrator, PET
Dose calibrator, SPECT
Dosimeter, personal
Dosimeter, personal, electronic
Dosimeter, personal, ring
Dosimetry system, in-vivo
Drape, femoral angiography
Drawsheet, plastic
Dressing retention roll
Dressing strip, adhesive, sterile
Dressing, film, transparent
Drill, vascular access
Driver, polyadjustment, screw
Drop counter, electronic
Elastomeric pump
Electrocardiograph system
Electrocardiograph, portable
Electrode LEEP, electrosurgical
Electrode, ECG, MRI safe, reusable
Electrode, ECG, MRI safe, single-use
Electrode, ECG, reusable
Electrode, ECG, single-use
Electrode, electrosurgical return, reusable
Electrode, electrosurgical return, single-use
Electrosurgical generator
Electrosurgical system
Elevator, dura
Eye chart, visual field testing, Amsler
Fiducial marker
Film, Radiographic
Flow regulator, intravenous infusion, manual
Flow splitter
Flowmeter, fluid
Flowmeter, gas
Flowmeter, oxygen therapy, dialtype
Flowmeter, Thorpe tube, dual
Fluorescein angiography unit
Footstool, assistive, MRI safe
Forceps, Adson, toothed
Forceps, Birkett, curved
Forceps, cervix holding
Forceps, Cooley, curved
Forceps, Crile-Rankin, curved, toothed
Forceps, DeBakey, micro, grasping
Forceps, DeBakey, vena cava, angled shank
Forceps, DeBakey-Bailey
Forceps, DeBakey-Rumel, curved
Forceps, Dietrich, bulldog, angled
Forceps, Dietrich, bulldog, straight
Forceps, Halsted, straight, toothed
Forceps, Kowalski
Forceps, Laufe, uterine polyp
Forceps, Lawton
Forceps, Littlewood
Forceps, Maier, curved
Forceps, Maier, straight
Forceps, Mayo Russian
Forceps, micro grasping, round spring handle
Forceps, Mikulicz, curved
Forceps, Overholt-Geissendoerfer, curved
Forceps, Providence Hospital, curved
Forceps, Tischler
Forceps, tissue, straight, toothed
Forceps, Ulrich
Forceps, Zenker
Front table (for wheelchair)
Gallipot, plastic
Gallipot, stainless steel
Gamma camera with Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) system
Gamma probes
Gauze roll, single-use
Gauze strip antimicrobial
Gauze swabs
Gauze, paraffin, sterile
Gauzes, antiseptic
Geiger-Müller counter
Gel, conductive
Gel, coupling, non-sterile
Gel, coupling, sterile
Gel, Electrolytic
Glasses, radiation shielding
Gloves, examination
Gloves, examination, nitrile
Gloves, radiation shielding
Gonads protection, radiation shielding
Gown, catheterization lab
Gown, patient, reusable
Gown, patient, single-use
Guide needle, Redon, knife edge
Guide pin, spinal column
Guide wire, round, spinal surgery
Guide wire, sharp, spinal surgery
Guidewire, peripheral, specialty
Guidewire, peripheral, supportive
Guidewire, peripheral, workhorse and access
Haemoglobin monitoring device, non-invasive
Hammer, spinal surgery
Headwear, radiation shielding
Hook, Crile
Hook, Gillies
Hook, Yasargil
Hot cell, high energy radiation
Hot cell, low-medium energy radiation
Humidifier, ventilation
Humidifier, ventilation, bubble, non-heated
Humidifier, ventilation, heated, servo-controlled
Humidifier, ventilation, non-heated
Inflation device
Infusion bag
Infusion controller
Infusion pump
Infusion pump, MRI compatible
Infusion set
Infusion set, with burette
Injector, contrast
Injector, contrast, dual head
Injector, contrast, MRI safe
Instrument holder, Posi-locking
Instruments, radiation source handling
Instruments, radiation source, loading / cutting
Intravenous line
Introducer, catheter guiding, reusable
Introducer, catheter guiding, single use
Introducer, endotracheal tube, Bougie
Introducer, endotracheal tube, single-use
Introducer, endotracheal tube, Stylet
Introducer, urinary catheterization
Ionization chamber
Irrigation kit, urological
Keratometer, hand held
Kick bucket, mobile
L-screen, radiation shielding
Laboratory Information System (LIS)
Lamp, examination
Lamp, examination, fixed
Laryngeal mask airway, reusable
Laryngeal mask airway, single-use
Lead curtain, radiation shielding
Leads patient cable
Leads, ECG
Local anaesthesia kit
Lubricant, transurethral instrument
Magnetic metal detector
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) System
Mallet, Ombredanne
Manual resuscitator
Manual resuscitator, neonatal
Manual resuscitator, neonatal, single use
Marker pen, skin
Mask, manual resuscitator
Mask, manual resuscitator, single use
Mask, oral/nasal
Mask, oxygen
Mask, oxygen, partial-rebreathing
Mastoid Retractor
Measuring jug
Medical sponge
Microbial filter, suction system, reusable
Microbial filter, suction system, single-use
Microscope, binocular
Monitor for CT
Monitor, patient, portable
Monitor, transcutaneous pCO2
Monitoring system, haemodynamic
Nasal cannula, adult
Nasal cannula, infant
Nasal mask, adult and paediatric
Needle guide, non-implantable
Needle holder
Needle holder, DeBakey
Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, heavy
Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, straight, fine pattern
Needle holder, micro, straight
Needle holder, Ryder
Needle holder, vacuum tubes
Needle sheath holder
Needle, hypodermic
Needle, hypodermic, lock
Needle, hypodermic, luer lock
Needle, luer, sterile
Needle, scalp vein, sterile
Needle, vacuum tube
Needle, wire localization
Nitrous oxide, cylinder
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) unit
Oxygen administration kit
Oxygen canisters, MRI safe
Oxygen humidifier
Oxygen outlet
Pad, absorbent
Paper cover, examination table
Patient monitor, multiparametric, basic
Patient monitor, multiparametric, intermediate
Patient monitor, multiparametric, MRI safe
Pedicle probe, spinal column, curved
Pedicle probe, spinal column, straight
Pedicle sound, spinal column
Perforator, drill, Cushing
Perforator, drill, D'Errico
Perforator, drill, McKenzie
PET/CT (Positron Emmission tomograpy / Computed Tomography) system
Phantom, Computed Tomography (CT)
Phantom, Gamma Camera
Phantom, image quality, Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID)
Phantom, MRI
Phantom, PET / CT
Phantom, teletherapy
Phantom, ultrasound
Phantom, water, calibration
Physical restraint, reusable
Physical restraint, single-use
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)
Pole, intravenous infusion, double hook
Pole, intravenous infusion, mobile
Pole, intravenous infusion, mobile, MRI safe
Povidone iodine, scrub solution
Pressure transducer, transoesophageal echocardiography
Probe, ultrasound, general purpose
Probe, ultrasound, general purpose, 4d/phased array
Probe, ultrasound, general purpose, curvilinear/convex
Probe, ultrasound, general purpose, linear
Probe, ultrasound, special purpose, doppler pencil
Probe, ultrasound, special purpose, ocular
Probe, ultrasound, special purpose, transrectal
Protective equipment, X-Ray
Protective equipment, X-Ray, complete set
Pulse oximeter, fingertip
Pulse oximeter, handheld
Pulse oximeter, table top
Pump, suction, electric
Pump, suction, manual
Quality control equipment, angiography
Quality control equipment, CT
Quality control equipment, interventional fluoroscopy
Quality control equipment, MRI
Quality control equipment, PET
Quality control equipment, SPECT
Quality control equipment, ultrasound
Quality control equipment, X-ray
Quality control software, CT
Quality control software, MRI
Quality control software, PET
Quality control software, SPECT
Quality control software, X-ray
Quality control software, X-ray angiography
Quality control software, X-ray fluorography
Rack, radiation shielding apron
Radiation protection barriers, portable
Radiation survey meter, area monitor
Radiation survey meter, ion chamber
Radioactive reference source, calibrated
Radioactive reference source, long-lived
Radioactive source
Radiology Information System (RIS)
Radionuclide generator
Rapid infusion device
Raspatory, Freer
Ratchet, ball handle, spinal column
Receptacle, radioactive waste
Reflex hammer
Remover, scalpel blade
Retractor ring
Retractor, Brunner
Retractor, Kocher-Langenbeck
Retractor, Leyla
Retractor, McDonald
Retractor, Mikulicz
Retractor, nerve root, 45 degrees
Retractor, nerve root, 90 degrees
Retractor, nerve root, straight
Retractor, spinal column, self-retaining
Retractor, vein, Cushing
Rod bender, in situ, spinal column
Rod bender, spinal column
Rod clamp
Rod cutter, long-arm, spinal column
Rod holder, spinal column
Rod pusher, spinal column
Rod, side, spinal surgery
Rod, smooth, spinal column
Rod, template, spinal column
Ronguer, spinal column, down biting
Ronguer, spinal column, straight biting
Ronguer, spinal column, up biting
Rotator bar, spinal column
Safety box, syringes / needles
Scalpel blade, reusable
Scalpel blade, single-use
Scalpel handle
Scissors, Bozemann
Scissors, dura, curved, narrow tip
Scissors, Lister
Scissors, Malis, curved
Scissors, Metzenbaum
Scissors, Metzenbaum-Nelson, curved
Scissors, micro, flat spring handle
Scissors, Reynolds-Jameson, curved
Scissors, surgical
Scissors, suture
Scissors, suture, curved
Scissors, Toennis-Adson
Scissors, vascular, Potts-de Martel
Screen, radiation shielding, ceiling suspended
Screen, radiation shielding, mobile
Screw, monoaxial, long-arm, spinal column
Screw, monoaxial, spinal column
Screw, multiaxial, long-arm, spinal column
Screw, multiaxial, spinal column
Screw, myoma
Screw, star-shaped
Screwdriver, monoaxial
Screwdriver, monoaxial, long-arm
Screwdriver, multiaxial
Screwdriver, multiaxial, long-arm
Screwdriver, star-shaped
Scrub brush, surgical
Scrub sponge, surgical
Scrub station, surgical
Sedation unit, basic
Sensor, oxygen saturation, reusable
Sensor, oxygen saturation, single-use
Shoe cover, non-conductive, reusable
Shoe cover, non-conductive, single-use
Shoes, surgical
Software, corneal topography
Software, electronic dosimeter
Software, eye ultrasonography
Software, fundus photography
Software, pachymetry
Software, standard automated perimetry
Spatula, Leyla retractor
Sponge holder
Stand, single bowl, on castors
Staplers, surgical
Stent, bare-metal
Stent, covered
Stent, Drug-Eluting (DES)
Stethoscope, MRI safe
Stool, operating room
Stopcock, 3-way
Stopcock, 3-way, luer lock
Stopcock, 3-way, sterile
Storage bin, radiation shielding
Stretcher, MRI safe
Strip, blood glucose meter
Stump board
Suction system, general purpose
Suction system, surgery, MRI safe
Surgical dressing kit
Suture set
Suture, black braided silk
Suture, nylon
Suture, poliglecaprone
Suture, polypropylene, monofilament
Suture, synthetic, absorbable, sterile
Suture, synthetic, non-absorbable
Syringe protection, radiation shielding
Syringe pump
Syringe, auto-disable (AD)
Syringe, contrast medium
Syringe, drug preparation / formulation
Syringe, luer, sterile
T handle, driver, screw
T-handle, torque limiting
Table, instruments
Table, instruments, stainless steel, mobile
Tally sheet, MUAC
Tape measure
Thermometer probes
Thermometer, digital
Thermometer, infrared
Thermometer, laboratory, glass
Thyroid protection, radiation shielding
Tongs, radioactive handling
Tongue depressor
Tourniquet system
Tray stand, surgical
Tray, dressing, stainless steel
Tray, screw holder
Trolley, anaesthetia
Trolley, dressing, stainless steel
Trolley, resuscitation
Trolley, resuscitation, MRI compatible
Tube, blood collection, anticoagulated
Tube, blood collection, vacuum
Tube, endotracheal, with cuff
Tube, endotracheal, without cuff
Tube, Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid (EDTA)
Tube, Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid (EDTA), vacuum, sterile
Tube, medical gases
Tube, oxygen, ventilation
Tube, sample collection, reusable
Tube, sample collection, round bottom, polystyrene, sterile
Tube, sample collection, sterile
Tube, suction, reusable
Tube, suction, single-use
Tube, vacuum, plain/dry, sterile
Tube, vacuum, serum, sterile
Tubing clamp
Ultrasound scanner
Ultrasound scanner, bladder, portable
Ultrasound scanner, Doppler, cardiovascular
Ultrasound scanner, Doppler, general purpose and obi/gyn, portable
Ultrasound scanner, Doppler, portable
Ultrasound scanner, mobile
Ureteral access sheath
Valve, PEEP, Bag-Valve-Mask (BVM)
Venipuncture kit
Venous tournique, single use
Ventilation circuit, patient, reusable
Ventilation circuit, patient, single-use
Venturi mask, reusable
Venturi mask, single-use
Vial protection, radiation shielding
Wheelchair, MRI safe
Wrench, anti-torque
Wrench, spinal column
X-ray system, C-arm, fluoroscopy
X-ray system, C-arm, mobile, analogue
X-ray system, C-arm, mobile, digital
X-ray system, general-purpose, digital
X-ray system, mammography
X-ray system, mobile
X-ray system, mobile, digital
Yasalgil bayonet forcep, large, blunt tip
Yasalgil bayonet forcep, large, fine tip